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"I gotta go toilet," Rheegan said as I nodded my head moving my arm from around her so she could go. We were currently watching a movie with the homies and Everything was cool until.
Everyone's attention reverted to her as she stood there looking down at the gooey thing that had just dropped from in between her legs. She looked up at me and woody stood up to get a closer look, he crouched down to it and analysed it. Then he reached his hand out and guess the fuck what.
This nigga started playing with it. I watched him as he just sat there in the middle of the floor poking and stretching it even smelling it, until it registered in my brain.
"Oh my god your baby plug fell out." I said rushing to her side.
Algee started laughing.
"Baby plug?! It's called a-"
"But I'm not ready to have this baby, not yet Keith." She looked up at me as she cut algee off.
"Well are you in any pain?"
"N-no." She shook her head holding her bump.
"Come sit back down baby, your water hasn't broke yet." I said as I held her hand and she nodded following me back to the recliner with a scared look on her face. I kissed her temple, she sat up putting her back into my chest as Luke resumed the movie but I couldn't focus anymore, my mind was elsewhere. Could the baby really be coming today, if so I'm excited. i thought as a smile crept into my face.
30mins went by and the movie had finished everyone was now hungry and decided on Chinese from UberEats.
"Nigga we in the Alps, ain't no uber eats up here." Woody said as bry agreed. He was right, long story short there's a bounty on every single one of us, Woodys being the highest because he always getting into dumb shit. So in order for us to stay safe, we had to stay somewhere no one would find us which just happened to be in the mountains, but we good, we got wifi and a big ass mansion with heating. And the best part is, we don't gotta pay rent, the house was free.

"I'm bored." Elijah said as he stretched sitting on the island.
"Charades anybody?"
Reagan groaned hurling over.
"Fuck!" She cried out.
"Yall need to chill, you can't keep having sex infront of us it's Nast-"
Bryshere had shutup when he turned on the lights and saw Reagan in pain.
"What the fuuuucccckkkk." He said as he saw Reagan ferociously pulling down her tights.
"WOODY GET THE TOWELS! Keith my man you gone have to carry her upstairs so she can go onto a bed." I nodded at Luke who seemed to know what he was doing.I got up going over to Reagan. I tried picking her up but I ended up dropping her ass back on the sofa. Damn, she heavy as hell.
"Keith, you better take her ass upstairs." Luke said.
"I need help." I yelled.
Bry came over and he lifted her bottom half whilst I lifted her top half, and we nearly made it to the staircase until woody slipped onto her baby plug and collided into us. Making us topple over and collapse into a heap. She tried to practice her breathing excersises as beads of sweat started forming on her forehead. I kneeled down to her level.
"Baby girl, You got this."
"I don't got this."
"She don't got it." Woody shook his head.
"Nigga shut the fuck up." Bry narrowed his eyes at woody.
"Keithhhhh I can feel it!"
"Feel what baby."
"It's coming out." She grabbed my hand as she rolled on the floor I pulled her arm over my shoulder and helped her up the stairs she crawled ontop of our bed rubbing her stomach. She looked over at me standing in the corner watching her. She controlled her breathing calming herself down.
"You okay baby?" She questioned as she held her hand out.
No, my heart is in my ass.
"Yeah. I'm just nervous. But what you need bebe." I stroked her hand and she leaned on the headboard.
"Stomach rubs." She moaned as she started to sweat more
"I got you." I sat behind her as she sat in between my legs leaning on my chest. I rubbed her stomach in circles as I kissed her ear and she closed her eyes. Focusing. Luke came in the room with surgical gloves a blankets, kitchen towels and baby wipes.
"Ahhhhhh!" Rheagan grabbed my legs as she screamed.
"Luke is she ok?!"
"Just normal contractions." He breathed opening her legs. He was taken back by what he saw and he looked like he was sick in his mouth. I thurrowed my eyebrows.
"What is the baby okay?" I questioned as he looked up at me.
"Oh the baby's okay alright." I nodded rubbing rheegans sides as she leaned into me more. Seeing my baby uncomfortable made me uncomfortable.
Woody walked in with towels and passed them to Luke.
"Rheegan give me a big push!"
"Come on baby." She pushed whilst holding both of my hands and they went numb.
I knew she was strong but damn this is some next level shit. She's going to break my hand off. Algee rushed in with a camera and woody came in behind him.
"Woody come hold her for me, I gotta call the doctor." He put woodys hands in between her legs and he started sweating bullets. Luke made a call and rheegan started pushing again. Woody closed one eye as he looked away.
She started screaming and yelling.
"It hurts it hurts!"
"Woody check if the baby's crowning." Luke said. He shook his head.
"I get nauseous and stuff-"
"Woody just do it!" We all yelled.
He looked under her dress and passed out. Bry dragged him out the room.
This is going to be a nightmare

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