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"Rayna, he's calling you again."
I rolled my eyes as I turned off my phone. Keith had been calling me repeatedly in the last 2 minutes and it was pissing me off. What part of me not wanting to talk to him does he not understand. About a week ago we had a really big argument which involved him leaving The house, he hasn't come back for a week so I don't know why the hell he wants to pop up now.
"Ash I really have nothing to say to him." I said to Ashley, she was woodys girl but due to Keith and woody being boys we just naturally clicked.
"Mhm I get you I get you." She nodded in response as we carried on doing our makeup.
It was New Year's Eve and we were of course going to the club to turn the fuck up.

"It's packed as a mf in here." She said as we entered the VIP.
"I need more shots." I mumbled as I backed another shot down my throat before sitting down.
Ashley looked at me and laughed.
"He really pissed you off huh."
I rolled my eyes in response as I saw him calling me again, I declined, and he messaged me.
Baby please pick up
I rolled my eyes, and put my phone on silent, I just don't want to be bothered.
I heard city girls come on and instantly wanted to dance, I grabbed Ashley as we headed to the dance floor but her phone started ringing.
"Girl hold on, hey babe." She said as she answered the phone,
"Wait slow down."her smile instantly fell into a frown as she looked over at me.
"Aight I'm coming." She ended the phone as I looked at her confused.
"Come on we gotta go."
"What you mean we just got here?"
"Call yo mans, we gotta leave-"
"I'm don't wanna spea-"
"Rayna just call him." She yelled as we headed to her car. She needs to chill out, yes we're close but I don't know why she's all in my business, I'll call him when I want to. I mugged her as I got into the passenger side.
The car ride was silent, now she just ruined my mood.
"So your not gonna tell me where we going." I asked as she sped off.
"You still ain't called him yet."
"Why you so bothered, about me and him fo, your my friend I don't know why your so concerned about him all of a sudden"
She stopped at a red light and looked at me like I had 2 heads.
"You wrong for that, I'm tryna help you out. Call yo nigga bro."
"Aight whatever cause your doing alot." I rolled my eyes picking up my phone.
I dialled his number it rang a few times before it ended. Oh now he wants to be petty. Before I put my phone down I received a voicemail from him when he called me earlier. I sighed before hesitantly clicking on it. I put the phone to my ear. There were many voices around him but I could hear his mumble.
"Ray, Rayna." He said my name but it sounded odd, like he was weak, he even stumbled over his words which isn't like him.
"Baby I know im the last person you want to speak to right now. You know I went to the spot, but I got hit in a drive by, ahhh shit." He groaned in pain.
"Hang in there man." I heard woody yell in the back ground.
"Woody taking me somewhere I- I don't really know. you don't gotta come. I just, I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry baby. I'm sorry for everything. And.... And I'll love you for ever.......i gotta go I love you."
The voicemail ended and my heart pounded in my chest. I felt myself get sweaty. As I took the phone from my ear. I leaned into the window and silently prayed.
"He'll pull through boo, we heading to the hospital right now." I heard Ashley say.

Ashley busted through the doors, as I trudged behind her, for some reason I couldn't bring myself to realisation. Every step I took further into the hospital made me sick to my stomach. Mainly because the one time my man really needed me I wasn't there and all because of a petty ass argument, I felt awful. She spoke to the receptionist and we were headed to the 6th floor.
I played with my nails in the elevator, something I didn't even realise I was doing till Ashley pointed it out.
"You straight?"
"I don't know I'm- im anxious."
"Y'all will be alright." She pulled me into a hug as the doors opened. We held hands walking down the corridor and spotted woody sitting outside a room with his head in his hands. She ran up to him as they embraced eachother.
"Babe what happened." When he looked up at us you could see the blood stains on his shirt and hands. She wiped a smudge of blood on his face. He looked numb.
"We were outside the trap, couple niggas pulled up and shot at us. Were shooting back, but it's like 5 against 2. I turn back to check on him when they're gone. He... on the ground bleeding out his mouth, and he blacked out in the car a couple minutes before we got here."
"Oh my god that's terrible." Ash covered her mouth.
They spoke more but I tuned them out I was completely in my own world.
I just wanted him to be okay.
"Why you silent now? Im driving homeboy to the hospital and he didn't even wanna go. Do you know what he wanted to do? Check on your ungrateful ass. I watched him call you so many times, he needed you. What the fuck Rayna!" Woody yelled in my face as he walked off. I tried to speak but nothing came up. I didn't mean for it to be like this, we just left on really bad terms. Ashley ran after him. I watched as doctors rushed in and out of the operating room, what the hell am I even doing here-
"Ma'am." I was interrupted mid thought when a doctor approached me.
"He's awake." She beamed,
"he won't be back to his normal self for a while but his vitals are good."
She opened the door for me to go see him.
I stood in the corner as he layed on the bed.
He was pale and limp, but he was my baby all the same.
I didn't know what to do he probably wants nothing to do with me-
"Ray?" He questioned.
"Come here." I walked over to him slowly as he simply watched me. His eyebrows thurrowed.
"Are you okay? What's wrong baby." He managed to get his finger to brush across my teary cheek.
I thought hard about what to say, I let my heart talk.
"I didn't know, if I would've known I would've answered the phone I was just being stupid and selfish, woody and ash hate me, I hate myself, baby I am so so sorry i wasn't there when you needed me-
"Hey Don't talk about yourself like that-
"Keith your literally on a hospital bed why are you checking up on me, it should be the other way round." I came here to see if he was ok, not to talk about me.
"I love you more than myself. You know that. You know I love you right?" I wiped away a tear as I held his hand,
"And I love you."
"All that matters is you're here now, you know me I'll be straight, this is just a minor setback."
"But are you good do you need anything-
"I'm good babygirl I'll talk to the others they'll come around
I went to go put my phone in my bag. I turned around and he held a gun pointing to my head.
I froze.

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