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Jade POV
This nigga done played me again, I really put the key under the mat and he was still a no show, I was about to watch tv when I heard the door ring.
I walked up to the front door as I looked through the peephole. His head was down and he had his hood on but I could still see who it was. I sighed heavily
"You're not welcome here." I spoke through the door.
"Mom, please open the door. I promise I don't want no trouble, I want to apologise."
I stayed silent on the other side of the door he sat on the step as he looked at the cars driving past.
"Mom, this past year I made your life hell, you gave me everything I wanted from a kid and did the best you could to look after me and my brothers. Never in a million years, did I ever think of laying a finger on you and I don't know what's been going on this past year. But none the less I cannot justify my actions. I regret every time I hurt you both mentally and physically, I'm angry and ashamed at myself that I even let it happen and... if- if you want to p- press charges, I'll be cool with that. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm sorry. For everything Momma."
I know my boys like back of my hand, and I could tell kj was being genuine. I don't know where this sudden apology came from but none the less I listened. I opened the door as I leaned on the frame. He stood up to face me but still kept his head down looking at his feet. I folded my arms before taking a deep breath.
"I hear you kj, you are my son and I'll always love you regardless but the love I have for you is different now. you a grown ass man who I raised the best I could, and as a mother I have two other boys to raise and I can't have them see you behave like this and get off the hook easily, I'm not pressing charges but I don't went to be anywhere near you. It's best for you to go."
He nodded.
"I'm sorry mom, I love you." He sniffled before turning around to walk down the drive. I stayed silent as he carried on walking. Then another dark figure walked down the drive- wait a minute. Kj backed away from the figure damn near freezing altogether. The person looked at kj swiftly before walking towards the drive. As he got closer he raised his head and I damn near collapsed I ran down the steps and down the drive jumping into his arms wrapping my legs around him. I screamed as loud as I could, your girl was ecstatic. I looked up and noticed kj look back at us one last time before walking away.
I pulled away from Keith as he squeezed me tight burying his head in my neck. Damn he really ain't tryna let go.
"Sorry I'm late." He mumbled.
"It's all good. Come inside." I smiled as I closed the front door behind us. Jayden was coming down the stairs.
"Dad? When did you get here?" He spoke practically running down the stairs.
"Just now ya old mans back." He chuckled Taking off his shoes. He ruffled jays fade before they dapped up. Keith looked around before looking at me.
"Where the baby at?"
"Zayvon, where he at?"
"He's at school-"
"Stop playing that boy just started pre-k"
Me and jayden looked at him wierd.
"I done told you that boy is 11."
"11 my ass, he's a baby."
I cleaned the island when I felt his breath on my neck.
"Why you sneaking up on me like you scary."
"I'm the scariest man Alive I have you know." He boasted. It was true, he was labelled worlds scariest man. It was as if everyone knew about the gruesome things he had done in his life, but nothing ever happened to him because he never left evidence obviously until his brothers case, but that was Keith basically pleading to take  the wrap for his brother which the judge allowed.
I looked over my shoulder looking at him as he smiled. He had gold grills in with a thick beard and a scar on his forehead with multiple neck and face tats.
"Nah not you, your a little pooh bear." I tapped his nose as he scrunched up his face. I turned around and started cleaning the surface again when I felt his arms wrap around my waist.
"Food was good mamas." I tried to loosen his grip but that just caused his hands to roam my body more as he kissed down my collar bone. It felt so good, it's been so long- wait a minute
"We not together remember." I sassed shrugging him off a little.
"So. I ain't even felt a woman in how long" He mumbled using his hands to roam my body he gripped my ass tight. I turned around used this time to play in his grown out hair.
"I missed you." I mumbled as I leaned onto him. He hugged me kissing my forehead repeatedly.
"Missed you too jadaboo."
"Boy please I haven't heard that in ages." I chuckled. It was a silly nickname keith gave me years back, he was the only person that used it so clearly I hadn't heard that name in years.
"Why did you take so long to get out." I frowned tracing his abs through his hoodie. He used this time to lift me onto A table as he stood between my legs rubbing my thighs.
"Why you want me to be bad all the time mamas, I'm not invincible." He chuckled lowly rubbing my things.
"I mean, your not exactly a good man, you've broken other people out of prison, why not break yourself out?"
"Is an ex cop asking me to break the law?" He questioned looking up at me smirking. I bit the inside of my cheek looking at him.
His face got close to mine to the point I could feel his breath on my lips.
"You're a bad girl." He lifted my chin biting his lip.
"I'll be bad for you." I whispered back.
"Yall nasty." Jayden groaned.
I shushed him whilst Keith grabbed my hand leading me to the bedroom

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