Junior 2

165 6 1

I sat in the visitors room as I smoothed out my pants letting out a shaky breath. The last time I was here was 2 months ago, and we argued badly. I saw a guard walk out with keith. He had a couple more tattoos on his neck and his beard got fuller since I last saw Him, which was strange because whilst being in jail he always maintained a sharp fade. I adjusted my shades as he sat infront of me in his dark red jumpsuit huh last time he was wearing orange, that's wierd. the guard walked away.
"Hey my favourite babymomma." He licked his lips grinning showing me a fresh set of grillz. I smacked my teeth.
"You in prison and still play too much."
He waved me off. I noticed his arms arms have gotten bigger it's only been a month since I last came here how can one change so much. He placed his elbows on the table looking at me through his lashes.
"So what you want, what you need?" He tapped his nails onto the metal table. I put a hand to my chest.
"What makes you think I want something?-"
"Cut the shit, jade. I got gambling night in a hour. You only come here when there's a problem."
"Gambling night?"
"Ight." He threw his hands up as he pushed his chair out standing up.
"Okay wait."
He huffed before sitting back down. He looked up at me as I avoided his gaze.
"Why you got on them big ass glasses."
"It's a new look don't you like them."
He gave me the really nigga face.
"Take em off lemme see your beautiful face" he smiled menacingly like a big kid. I inhaled deeply as I slowly slid them off. I looked down not wanting him to see my face.
"Jade." He called my name softly as I looked back into his eyes, they went dark like when kj gets angry.
"What the fuck? Who did this." His voice was deep and hushed as he gritted his teeth, with fists balled. I quickly wiped my eyes before the tears fell. He nodded over to the guard slipping him a twenty. The guard nodded.
"Follow me"
He led us into a more secluded room as he left. I was left with Keith.
"Jade who the fuck been hitting on you."
I tried to speak but my voice cracked instead I just sighed as more tears fell. He pulled me into his arms as he stroked my hair.
"Tell me what happened love, you know I can still protect you from inside here." I shook my head looking up at him. He held my chin analysing my bruised swollen eye that could barely open.
"You can't protect me this time keith."
"Bullshit, you know what I can do. Who did this?"
"Kevin hit you."
"You got a new nigga?"
"Jade you gotta tell me man, look at your face, you can barely see, you gotta go to the hospital." He grabbed my hands.
"I can't"
"Why not."
"If I tell them what happened They'll arrest him."
"Arrest who?"
I looked away before looking back at him.
"Junior? Kj did this shit?"
I nodded. He let go of my hands as he walked away from me.
"Word got back to me about how he been tryna run the streets and be me. Now he hitting his mother" He scowled.
I just stood there shielding my face as tears fell. I felt his big arms wrap me into his warmth as he stroked my hair, I hugged him back crying into his chest. Me and Keith weren't together, we decided to break up when he went in just because it made things easier, but I haven't been with anyone since though.
"Tell me what happened mamas." He tucked some hair behind my ear.
"He barged through the door yesterday calling me by my first name going into his old room looking for his weed he saw me flush it down the toilet so he basically punched me in my face." I felt Keith's heart rate increase at everything I said.
He remained silent.
"I just, I don't know what to do anymore. I need you back home."
He sighed running his hands over his face.
"You know I can't do that."
"But you can, you literally used to plan escape routes all the time. What happened to you. Ever since you got in here it's like you turned-"
"Turned What?" He cocked his head to the side Daring me to say it.
He sent me an evil glare and I immediately closed my mouth
He smacked his teeth.
"You ain't notice the colour of this shit?" He pointed to his red shirt.
"Why is it red?"
"Extremely dangerous baby, even if you wanted me to break out I couldn't, I'm in the hole 24/7. I'm going insane." He chuckled swaying his head.
"But you think I can raise 3 Boys without an active father in their life."
He smacked his teeth rolling his eyes.
"I've been giving you money every month for 10 years get a nanny or something."
"Nannies raising our sons is what made them this way. You can't hire someone to do your job for you. Keith please man"
"We have this conversation every time you come up here. What makes you think this time it's gonna be different."
I opened my mouth to speak but closed it back. I just looked up at him.
"I lost kj to the streets already. I accepted that but We still have two more boys that we can raise right. Zayvon doesn't even know who you are"
"Zayvon is a baby-"
"Zayvon is eleven."
There was silence between us.
"Listen Kj ain't the same boy you left 10 years ago keith, he walking round thinking he run shit, police raided my house the other day at 2am looking for drugs. They found it in jayden's room and almost took him to juvie, and put zay in the system."
His eyes widened.
"This nigga bringing shit into the house?! Is he stupid?"
"I kicked him out. And he keep showing up at my house breaking and smashing things. He's got crazy Anger issues and he's too strong to deal with."
Keith stayed silent as he looked me in my face. His eyes were cold as he listened to me. He was definitely thinking hard about what I just said.
"So kj hit you, what did jayden do."
"Jayden ain't do nun-"
He mugged me as he mumbled.
"Jayden always been a punk, lil soft nigga."
I gasped as I slapped his arm.
"No he's not. he's scared of him. Kj always beating the boy up for no reason. He punch walls when he don't get his way"
"That boy always been girly to me."
"No he's not."
"You ain't notice cuz you're a woman."
"Are you serious right now. Jayden isn't a problem he's a good kid."
He sighed sinking in his seat
"So kj think he's tough huh?"
"Don't say it like that."
"Nah I'll show his ass tuff." He rolled his neck as he chuckled lowly.
"When are you coming home?"
"I got 10 years left remember."
"Yeah but like, you've never stuck to the rules before."
He crossed his arms smiling.
"I'm starting a new leaf." He says simply.
I narrowed my eyes at him. Is he actually for real, our family is falling apart and he's mocking it.
"Okay fine. I won't ask again." I mumbled grabbing my purse heading to the door. Keith grabbed a hold of my arm looking me in My eye.
He pulled up ny sleeve exposing old bruises that were healing. He lifted up my top as his fingers grazed the old bruises along my stomach his hands were warm but his face was lifeless
"I ain't know it was this bad." He grumbled as he frowned hard.
"It doesn't matter I'm done asking you for shit. Keep your money, we don't need it."
I snatched away from him fixing my top as I started to walk out.
As I put my hand on the door handle I felt him press his front into my back. Feeling His cold breath on my shoulder.
"You know better than to walk away from me." He spoke lowly. He tucked my some of my hair behind my ear before whispering.
"Put the key under the mat, I'll see what I can do."
I looked down trying to fight the smile that formed on my lips
Now that's more like it.
"Stop smiling, I said I'll see." He stressed rolling his eyes.
I looked back at him as i cheesed hard before walking out the door.

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