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"I'm excited to see what dress she chose."
"Yeah I heard it's been specially tailored to her needs."
"Oh my god I just know her wedding dress is gonna be beautiful." All her white ass friends sat in the couch whilst I sat on the arm of the couch. This whole trip Ive Just wanted to get out of here. We were in Vegas watching Laura try on her wedding dress for the first time and of course she invited her bridesmaids to watch. Not me of course, Keith just asked me to be there because he complained I wasn't being a team player at his dumb ass wedding weekend he invited me to. Yes my stupid babys father Keith is getting married to a rich ass white girl and he wanted our 4 year old son to be the ring holder, so me being his mother, got dragged here by force bare in mind I'm 8 months pregnant with his second child. Its crazy because me and him split up 2 years ago and then our son had a birthday bbq and we messed around which is how baby number 2 was made. We still weren't together, it was only one night. Then he met this white girl and within months of knowing her they're getting married. I stopped playing with my nails and looked up when I heard people gasp. I looked up and my heart stopped, oh no she didn't. I'd already managed to ignore her stinking ass attitude this whole trip but this shit was too damn far.
All I could do was laugh because her level of stupidity was humorous. I laughed until My chest grew weak whilst people stared in confusion. Laura had a bright big smile on her face, dumb bitch.
"I'm glad you like the dress monai." She giggled. She done a 360 whilst I continued laughing putting my head in my hands, this Bitch is pushing my buttons.
"Laura get out my dress." I mumbled bobbing my leg up and down.
She put her hands on her hips and mugged me.
"Well technically it's not even yours-"
I lost all composure i jumped on her tackling her to the ground and started throwing blows to her face, I did not give a damn if I was 8 months pregnant, this bitch was gonna get it.
"I said get out of my dress bitch!" I screamed scratching at her face. At this point I was beyond fuming. How dare her try to wear the Same wedding dress I was going to marry Keith in! I don't know why I was so mad because I hate him but it made my heart hurt.

"Keith what are you doing here, your not supposed to see me in my wedding dress before we're married! It's bad luck." I squealed.
"Girl you know I can't handle being away from you for so long." He came behind the curtain and saw my dress. His eyes sparkled as a smile shone onto his lips.
"Monai you look..." he sat down on the bench in the fitting room looking at me in aw.
"Wow." He whispered.
I looked down tucking some hair behind my ear. Keith always told me I was beautiful, but this time it felt special.
"Are you okay?" I giggled
"Yeah- I-. You just never fail to amaze me,  why didn't I meet you earlier?" He mumbled the last part but I heard every word. He sweeped me off my feet planting butterfly kisses across my face whilst twirling us around. We laughed as his craziness made us dizzy.
"This is the best day of my life!" He yelled.
I pulled his head close to mine as I just started in his eyes. His hands found their way to my waist and I looked up at him.
"I love you so much." I whispered.
He smiled back at me.
"I love you too."
He crouched down to my belly which was still flat.
"And I love you too kj." He kissed my stomach as I caressed his head.
"You need to calm down because I'm not naming my kid Keith powers the second." He smacked his teeth getting up whilst mimicking me.
"Yeah we'll see if you change your mind the way ima pound into you tonight."

Monai what the fuck?" One of the bridesmaids screamed once security had managed to get me off of her. 3 hench men held me back as I tried to settle my tears. I was embarrassing the shit out of myself but I don't care, I'd been holding my feelings in this whole damn trip but Laura always brought the worst out in me.
I just looked up at everybody, their faces held shock some looked scared, now these uppity white people gon think I'm like this all the time god damn it. I snatched my arm away from security and grabbed my purse.
"I'll see my way out." I mumbled fixing my hair whilst heading out the dressing room and towards the door. Everyone was silent until I existed the building. I got to my car and sat there. Rubbing my swollen ankles. I caressed my bump sighing. What the hell? I know she shouldn't have tried to wear my dress  but why was i so mad about it?

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