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"Take your medicine!"
"Nah fuck that, where he at?" Keith said looking around frankly.
"Keith, you need to take your medicine." I said giving him his prescribed pill bottle.
"No, that stuff makes me, makes me go crazy." He slapped my hand away, now struggling to get his words out. I sighed knowing it was one of the many symptoms he had as a side effect from not taking his meds and it only gets worse from there.
"Keith, I haven't cheated on you, I'm always with you, when do I even have time?" I said pleading.
He stopped looking at stared at me. He pointed his finger in my face as he approached me standing in the corner.
"You little whore, I should've known." He said as I could felt him burning a hole in the side of my face. He grabbed it roughly making me face him. His hand quickly moved to my neck as his grip got tighter.
"Keith please take your medicine, your having a relapse, lis-listen to me." I whispered with the little air I had left.
I started gasping for air as I dug my nails into his arm but it was no use. His eyes were so mad I'm sure he was seeing red. I felt myself growing weak as I started uncontrollably shaking. He let go of me and I fell to the ground gasping for air until he grabbed me by my hair and dragged me towards the basement.
"Stop, your hurting me." I cried as he dragged me down the steps.
"Is it?." He sarcastically said, looking down at me nonchalantly.
He opened the door to the basement and kicked me in my face as I tumbled into the room.
I quickly got up and ran to the door, but he had already locked it behind me.
"Keith please listen to me, you need to take your medicine! your having a relapse!" I yelled banging on the door, but it was no use.
He had already tuned me out.
As soon as I gave up, I felt pain.

I felt the blood trickle down my forehead and nose from where he kicked me. And I could feel the bruises form on my neck.
With a strong headache coming on.
I curled myself up into a little ball.
And silently cried to sleep.

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