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"Tristan hurry up!" I yelled throughout the house.
"I'm coming ma damn!" He yelled back as he jogged down the stairs with his duffel bag. I slapped his backhead for using that tone with me.
"You been toilet?" I questioned the 14 year old boy who's head was stuck in his phone.
I slipped on my slides going through the front door putting the alarm on, and getting into the car as Tristan chucked his bag in the back and sat in the front next to me.
I arrived at Keith's mansion within 2 hours because he lives all the way on the other side of California.
"Why are they always here." I mumbled grimly at the crowd of people who stood a few feet from the mega mansion with their cameras in hand. 

Putting my sunglasses on my face and my phone in my back pocket i sighed and stepped out. The cameras snapped our way as all the attention fell onto me and my son. personally I hate the whole thought of people being in my business but Tristan absolutely adored paparazzi. Any time there was a camera he was always infront of it. He smiled and waved and even struck a few poses.
"Tristan. Over here! Do you have a girlfriend." One cameraman yelled over all the racket as he snapped more photos.
"Well what can I say fellas the ladies love me." He chuckled as he narrowed his eyes and licked his lips before winking at the camera and biting his lip.
"What I tell you about doing that dumbass got damn light skin face." I mumbled into his ear pulling infront of me and forcing him to walk.
"Dad does it."
"Keith is an idiot."
Ignoring the "What does it feel like to be the ex of a basketball legend?" Question that was asked time and time again whenever the paparazzi was around we finally got to the front.

I walked up to the 3 storey mega mansion.I saw the two armed guards standing outside his gated home as I walked towards them.
"Hey Steve," I smiled to the familiar looking one as he let me in, he smiled and winked back with a head nod.
I knocked on the big golden door knob And waited outside for someone to come out.
"Ah yes Taja it's so good to see you." She brought me into a tight hug as I chuckled hugging her back.

"Hey ms.G." I said as she let me in. Ms .Gonzalez was a old petite Latina lady who worked as a maid in Keith's house, although she acts more like his mom most times, and cusses him out in Spanish.
"Do you know where they are?"
"Tuh, He is in the games room with Keagan playing the stupid Fortnite." She said in her thick accent as she rolled her eyes Waving her hand around.
I slid off my slides going into the large game room at the back of the house. Tristan ran off somewhere in the process smelling something scrumptious that ms.G was cooking in the kitchen. At least he gets something good to eat, because he never even gets his homework done when he comes over here. His dads mansion is like a whole holiday to him on its own. After about 2 hundred steps I made myself outside the game door.
Hearing "there's a storm coming!" And "hurry up get out of there."I walk in. The room was like a pitch black movie theatre with only 4 chairs as the game illuminated itself. Both Keith and keagan had their headsets on and their virtual reality glasses on as their hands moved vigorously fast on the controllers.
Not feeling in the mood to wait for them to finish, I walked over switching off the game.
"What happened!" Keagan yelled as he took off his VR goggles. I turned on the lights and they both hissed at the brightness. I looked at Keagan. Wait a minute, I know I didn't drop my son off with a big bruise around his eye.
"What the fuck happened?" I yelled as I grabbed his face examining it.
"Keith, What happened to my baby." I tried to touch it and he jerked away.
"Ouch mom."
"What happened was..." he started smiling awkwardly, but I sent him a death glare that wiped it straight off.
"You got two seconds before I beat the shit out of both of ya'll." I said calmly pacing around.
"We were playing paintball without a helmet and I shot him in his face."
I looked at him as silence filled the room.
"It was by accident."he said putting his hands up in surrender.
"Keagan it's time to go." I said to my other son as I stood with my hands on my hips. Yes, Tristan and Keagan are both twins but they despise each other and can't be in the same room for more than 5 seconds without starting a fight. So me and Keith alternate every week. And as for us two, we can't stand eachother how I ended up having his seeds was a story for another day.
"But I don't want to." He sat there with with his arms folded. As Keith did the same.
"He doesn't have to go if he doesn't want to-."
"Keagan when are we gonna go to the cinema." I saw a girl with a jeans skirt and tank top enter the room who looked around the same age for him. I looked at her and then at keagan and then Keith.
I narrowed my eyes at the stupid 6ft 2 nigga who stood infront of me. And gave him the
"You betta start talking" face.
"Keagan take Simone out the room please." Keith said as Keagan grabbed Simones hand. The door shut.
"got my son"
Smack. Smack. Smack.
"out here being a hoe." I said slapping his chest and arms with every word I said.

"He needs a date."
I lost it and reached to slap his face but he already grabbed my wrists.
"He needs to read his damn books."
I tried to move from Keith's grasp but he was too strong. Ugh I hate him.

"No he actually needs a date."
"For why?"
"I got a basketball red carpet event and-

"IM GONNA KILL YOU!" Me and Keith both looked at each other with worry as we heard Tristan's voice through the house. We rushed out of the room and saw Simone on the floor crying her eyes out as Tristan got on top of Keagan strangling the life out of him as Keagan threw blows at His brothers face.
Keith dragged Tristan off of him as Keagan caught his breath, he heaved heavily as his knuckles bled from using his brother as a punching bag.
"Tris, calm down."
"I'm good!" He yeld snatching from his fathers grip, as he spat some blood out of his mouth. He walked away smashing a vase to the ground as he walked around the corner nonchalantly.
"Get yo ass up boi" Keith said at a laughing Keagan who had bruises round his neck.
"lil Tris just mad cuh simones my girl and he has a crush on her." He yelled.
"It's okay baby." He said as he went over to try comfort Simone but I stepped infront of him.
"Lil girl get yo ass home." She nodded frantically running down the staircase and out the front door.
"Ma don't talk to my girl like th-
"Don't test me! Cuh I will beat yo ass today Get outta my face." He rolled his eyes before walking down the steps.
"If it wasn't for you, none of this would've happened." I turned to Keith.
"Chill out why you acting like it was a big deal." He snapped back
"One has a black eye and one has bruises round his neck, you don't think that's a big deal." I questioned, he's such a fucking fool.
"Man whatever-
"Why did Keagan even need a date?"
"I have a red carpet basketball event to go to-
"Lemme get this straight, you don't ever, EVER mix family with business! Do I make myself cle-
" You finna stop talking to me like I'm your child."
"Or what?"
He looked at me and I looked at him, his eyes burned a whole into mine. I rolled my eyes in disgust as I made my way downstairs to leave.
"And by they way, Keagan won't be going." I turned back around swiftly heading down the stairs. I grabbed my slides and was about to slip them on.
"Senõra! Come and eat. I can't let you go for that long drive on an empty stomach."
"Im not Hun-"
"Nonsense, come sit." Ms.G said as she ushered me into the dining room.
She pulled a chair out for me at the head of the table as keagan and Tristan sat to my left and right.
Keith walked in with a mug on his face and sat opposite me at the other end of the table.
"Now listen to me, yall are going to eat this food I made and learn to get along, I've known you guys to hate each other for 14 years but all that is about to change."
"But I don't wanna be here-" Tristan Moaned as he started to get up.
"Boy sit down and shut up."she yelled.
He did as told
"Now enjoy." She smiled as she excited the room

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