Im fine 3

234 6 0

I looked down at my wallpaper on my phone and smiled.
It was a picture of me and jayvier at one of his football games where he scored 3 goals. He was standing with the ball in his arm as I crouched down at his height making a flex with my arm

I walked out and stood in front of a tree outside the school whilst I made a phone call.
"Ricky?" I said after the 6th ring.
"What?" He scowled
"Can I come home later today?" I said practically begging. He sounded slightly drunk as he belched in my ear.
"Yeah yeah whatever!" He said practically waving me off through the phone
"No you don't understand ." I said trying to get him to listen to me because he probably said yes whilst not listening.
"Yeah go whatever I don't care." He said again sloppily.
"I'm going to be late com-" he cut me off by ending the call.
He better not try say I didn't tell him, because his high ass probably gone forget.
I looked down at the time on my watch. 3:50.
I didn't have any money on my metro card so I decided to turn on my mobile data and use my phone as a gps. I looked down and saw where it was at."sorry, I can't traffic you to this direction. Perhaps being in the same region would help." Siri spoke to me. I squinted my eyes and seen that it was an address in Antarcrica.
He played me.
I sighed, I had already missed the school bus that goes in my direction. So I contemplated on what to do.I started walking and accidentally bumped into a school girl. She kissed her teeth and screwed me.
"Watch where your going freak." She spat.
"Sorry," I apologised. I watched her walk away, especially eyeing her $600 Gucci pumps you could see from a mile away. Damn she has money, and what a pitty that she was going to squander it all on Starbucks and white girl stuff. Oh well, it's in good hands now. My hands.
I smirked to myself as I looked down at her Louis Vuitton purse in my hands I unzipped it and blue bills were exposed, my eyes sparkled like medalians at the couple hundred dollars that were in front of me.
My stomach started grumbling and my mouth started to get watery. Maybe I'll stop at the diner and  get something to eat. I closed the purse and put it in my bag. Ricky was expecting me late anyways. Just as I started to walk and I heard shouting. I carried on walking down the street as I went to the diner that was only a couple blocks down the street, my feet were rubbing against my black old Skool vans that were far too small for me but I made them fit.
I made it into the diner and I saw a waitress conversing with a group of boys, they were all laughing. she looked over at me and excused her self as she started walking in my direction. The boys looked in my direction and I saw Keith and his goons.
"Hey babygirl." He said smirking and licking his lips. I turned around and walked out of the shop not wanting to have an encounter with him.
"Go after her!" I heard them all yelling after me.
I started speed walking through the door as I heard the door open again.
"Hey, wait up." I heard someone say but I refused to turn around.
"I know you hear me." He yelled again. I took off and I heard him hot on my heels, he ran down the street after me as all the other boys followed amusingly. I heard him catch up to me again and I tripped colliding with the floor. I hit my head and held it in agony as I was on all fours. My eyes were screwed shut as I heard laughing around me. I opened my eyes slightly and I was surrounded by flashlights all in my face.
"Oooohhh you did her dirty Keith." I heard yelling.
"She dropped boiii."
"She's done out here."
I pulled my hand away from my head and saw blood.
"Ooohhh she bleeding." One said getting his phone right up in my face.
"Shiiid gimme my views snapchat." I heard another one say.
I tried to get up slowly after I picked up my bag.
I coughed and wheezed a little.
"Get the camera out my face." I said shielding my eyes.
I felt the slightest bit of tears sting my eyes but I held them back. I never cry.
I limped away from them as they all cheered and laughed amongst themselves. I held my rib that was also giving me unbearable pain and tried to control my breathing.I found a nearby bench and sat on it that was round the corner from those menacing freaks. I saw them drive off as I looked at my hands that had scratches on the palm, and I blew on them as I whimpered quietly from the pain on my rib.

Keith's pov
"Aye you coming?" Woody questioned as they all got in the truck.
"Nah I gotta do some deliveries, I'll catch up with you in a little bit." I said dapping them up.
We gave each other the deuces and they drove off.
I was walking around the corner when I seen that clutter cluts earlier sitting on a bench huddled over. She was trying hard to be strong as I saw her struggling not to cry. I swallowed hard as my phone began to ring forgetting about her before I slid to answer.

Jordan pov
I walked all the way home opening and closing the gate behind me. I knocked on the door and waited for a reply. I knocked the door again growing impatient until the door slowly opened.
"Jayvier,what have I told you about opening the door?" I said with a frown on my face.
"I know mama, I just couldn't wait for you to come home." He looked up at me.
I sighed and walked in taking my shoes off at the door. I went upstairs to my bedroom and jayvier followed sitting on my bed watching my every movement. I stopped and looked at him slowly.
"What are you up to?" I questioned narrowing my eyes playfully.
"Welllllll....." he looked down twiddling with his little fingers.
I stayed silent.
"I got career day at school and I wanna dress up as you."
"Come again?" I choked eyes widening and leaning back on my dresser facing him.
"Mommy what do you do at work?" He questioned looking up at me.
I sat down next to him giving him an awkward slight smile.

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