Highlands 2

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"Have you thought of any baby names yet?" My midwife asked as he spreaded the cold gel across my stomach.
"Nah not really, I feel like your more excited for the baby to come than I am." I chuckled.
"And why is that?" He questioned as he scanned the ultrasound across my belly. I heard her heartbeat again and I smiled.
"It's just, im becoming more and more immobile and I still haven't built a the nursery and-
"Miss Kennedy, I told you about not exceeding your limits already-"
" I know but Its just me, I'm basically a single parent. I don't have family or anybody that can help me. If I don't cook, I don't eat, If I don't clean the house Is dirty, I can't-"
"Now miss girl I am trying to keep it proffesional with you but your hard head Ass ain't listening nye. You need to stop stressing or that baby gon be dust. Okay Kennedy." He spoke as he popped his gum, tucking some imaginary hair behind his ear. I couldn't help but giggle at his crazy ass.
"Well miss girl, you are my midwife you supposed to be there for me"
"Exactly! Your midwife I ain't your therapist bitch, I got problems of my motherfucking own, this nigga stay wanting to eat my ass but too scared to come out to his pastor daddy."
He stressed typing something in on his keyboard, his long nails clacking away.
"Woah rj that is too much information." I giggled as he waved me off laughing himself.
"Chile we both a mess."
"Tell me about it."
He printed out the sonograms wiping the gel off my stomach.
"Miss Kennedy I'm not tryna be in your business and all. But I've been your midwife for 2 months now. whea the hell the baby daddy at." He stood there with his hand on his hip batting his lashes. I pulled down my top as he helped me sit up. I was about to speak but he beat me to it.
"He a broke ass deadbeat daddy ain't he?"
I laughed shaking my head. She ain't have to come at my baby like that.
"Well not really."
"He not really broke or not really a deadbeat daddy?" He sat at his computer desk crossing one leg over the other.
"Well I mean, he's the one paying for your services and you know you a private midwife so, he's definitely not broke."
"Damn sis you bagged you a rich nigga, he is a nigga ain't he? You ain't get with no white guy did you?" I laughed as he pressed me with questions.
"No he's black. He's very much present in my life and i- I love him very much." I looked down as tears I didn't know were there rolled down my face.
Rj stood up and hugged me.
"Aww sis what did he do"
"It's what he's not doing. It's just, he promised he would be here the birth of our baby girl, but know he's telling me he can't make it." I sniffed.
"Kennedy, here take my personal number, we gon get through this and yo gon be straight sis aight." He put his number in my phone handing it back to me. He grabbed a tissue passing it to me as I wiped my eyes.
"You too pretty to be crying sis." He cooed as he put an arm around me.
"Thanks Rj I really appreciate it." I stood up putting on my coat as I waddled towards the door he opened it for me.
"You gon be alright Ken Ken, call me if you need anything, if you want me to beat that nigga ass or what not iono, just keep your head up boo." He called as I walked out the door.
I smiled and waved as I turned the corner, Rj was crazy, but he meant well.

I pulled up to the gym and sighed, I was really losing the will power to come here. Every time I came here I regretted it, but it was going to make my labour experience easier so I kept coming. After going past reception I come out the elevator walking towards the yoga room. I had the pregnancy prep class, it's where all mothers come and practice breathing exercises and work on flexibility to prepare the body for having a baby. The classes here were really good. It's just that most people went with their partners, and I was always the only one that didn't have my boyfriend with me. It was kinda embarrassing because the other mothers would always look at me like I was some hoe, in the beginning I didn't care but now it's getting to me.
I put my things down at the side walking to the back of the room laying on my yoga mat. Ever since I entered my third trimester my hormones have been really high and I get emotional over everything. I looked around waiting for the instructor to start. There were the same usual couples together on their mats mingling amongst themselves. I didn't really talk to anyone, I just minded my business and got on with it.
"He's Still no show?" Dante the instructor asked lowly as he walked passed me, I shot him a look and he turned around continuing walking towards the front of the class. One day I was about to check him and his slick replies
I saw Megan look back at me as she sniggered, she leaned into an oblivious Maxwell as he caressed her waist. I looked over at Kayla and Miguel, I always looked up to their relationship, her head rested on his shoulder as he kissed her forehead rubbing her hand in circles.
"I love you baby."
"I love you too."
They said. I cooed lowly at them, they were so cute it was adorable, must be nice. I was too busy melting at their relationship that I hadn't even heard the instructor start.
"Okay mommas Yall remember the breathing excersises, in through the nose out through the mouth."
We all did as good as breathing noises filled the room.
"Fathers you wanna come behind your lady so she can rest on you, you're her support system she needs you more than ever right now."
I looked around as all the fathers caressed their women. I couldn't help but think about Keith.

We arrived at Walmart and went to the medication section. They had plan b pills and the day after pills. That I was eyeing.
He held my hand as we walked some more.
Then We saw the pregnancy sticks and i looked up at him for reassurance. He nodded at me and i turned back around getting one from the shelf that had 3 sticks in the box.
'This one?' I said looking over it. He read over it clear blue, the only pregnancy test that tells you how many weeks.
' Yeah this one looks decent.' He said thurrowing his eyebrows.
I clung on to his hand like a child as we went to the checkout.
We scanned it at the self service and He payed. He could tell i was anxious as usually i tried to be slick and scan some chocolate or candy.
'You want something?' He asked me. I shook my head as i rested it on his arm, he kissed my forehead wrapping his arm over my shoulder.
'You gone be good baby, trust me Imma be there every step of the way' He said kissing my hand rubbing my ring finger. I looked at him with a questionable face, did he mean marriage?
'One day baby, one day.' He said as we walked out the store.
I was so stupid, he told me he was gonna be there every step of the way and I believed him, I was blinded by love and now I have a baby that I'm gonna raise by myself while he lives the celebrity high life, i didn't want to think that, but let's face it. He's famous, a baby will only be a burden to him, that's why he's not here right now.

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