Cheater 5

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I was about to knock on the door but he opened it. I stood on his doorstep in shock I gulped as I opened my mouth trying to find something to say. He wore a grey suit as he took his phone away from his ear.
"Trey Imma call you back." He mumbled into the phone. He breathed as he took in every inch of me from head to toe. He finally met my gaze as he burned a hole into my eyes, I looked down as I played with my nails. No words were exchanged. He cleared his throat as I looked back up at him he leaned on the door frame opening it wider for me to come in. I half smiled stepping inside, as I passed him the gold chain he was wearing caught my eye. That beautiful ring from that night hung from the chain. I quickly averted my eyes to the scenery as we stood in the hallway. Happy memories started to flood my head as I thought back to when riah was younger and she used to run through the halls with her toys. Yeah me and Keith had that horrible fight here, but this is also where we started our family, this is where I gave birth. This is...felt like...home. He shut the front door as he turned to look at me. He pulled me In for a hug, I immediately hugged him back as his head fell into the crook of my neck.
"I failed you." He whispered.
We pulled away as he brushed my tears away with his thumb. My heart started racing as I reached for the door.
"I-I can't do this. I-"
"Wait please don't go." He gently grabbed my arm. I sighed closing the door back. I followed him to the lounge room as we sat on the love seat.
"Miah I am so sorry-
"I loved you and my daughter more than I loved myself, I put my everything into our relationship and you gave me a retaining order. You forbid me from seeing my daughter until she was 18 I couldn't see her for 13 years and yesterday after almost 15 years a beautiful young lady turned up on my doorstep and I didn't even recognise her. Do you know what it feels like to not recognise your own child? Not know anything about her, her hobbies, her favourite colour her favourite food, what she wanted to be when she grew up?! I did not know her Keith! Every day after I got separated from her I cried, it killed me inside. Sometimes all I wanted to do was just see her, even if she didn't ever see me. I wanted to watch over her I wanted to protect her I wanted to teach her how to live and I couldn't. Keith I don't need to hear your sorry, I forgave you a long time ago.
And as bad as It sounds I couldn't keep holding onto what happened, I couldn't let it keep weighing me down. I had to move on."
He looked over at me with glossy eyes as he bit his lip, I looked down at his chain and thurrowed my eyebrows. He followed my gaze taking off the chain.
"I kept this in hopes of still marrying you, but this shit been nothing but bad luck." He said Holding the ring as he twisted it in his hand
" you still wanna marry me?"
"Yeah, I love you." He said simply. Looking down at me. I cowardly looked away and out of the window.
"I still-" he took his index finger placing it under my chin before turning my face to look at him.
"I told you countless of times I want you to look at me when you speak." He brushed my cheek with his thumb as he scanned all the features on my face. His eyes glossed over my lips as He licked his. My heart rate increased as I burned under his gaze, his touch, his presence He leaned in before sighing and letting go of me. What the fuck was that?
"You were saying." He Snapped me out of my thoughts
"I- I don't hate you I honestly don't for years I was just...angry at the world for what you did I lost friends, family until I let go. I didn't care anymore. I had no choice but to forgive you."
I saw him take in. What I was saying as he stared down at his hands in deep thought. Before I knew it his arms were wrapped around me.
"We still got time to make it right though...right?"
He continued speaking.
"After what happened I thought about it every day. I was stupid and selfish and my doings effected all of us. I can't apologise anywhere near enough times to make up for it but let me show you... please. I've been going to therapy and I started meditating. I'm staying away from drinking now too, I've been trying to get in contact with riah, I can't find her, I'm worried somethings happened to her-"
"She's fine." I put my hand over his attempting to calm his nerves and he took a deep breath.
"She doesn't want anything to do with me does she?" He mumbled to himself as he put his head down.
"She'll come around, give her time."
He looked back at me with a strange look in his eyes. I gave him a questionable look.
He leaned in as his eyes glossed over my lips. I pulled him in caressing his neck as he kissed my lips. I didn't want to take him back so easily, but I can't deny my feelings. One kiss shouldn't hurt right?

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