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I walked inside the house and went straight to the bedroom completely fuming. My girlfriend slept peacefully with our 3 year old daughter in our bed. I silently started packing my stuff bringing out my suitcase and throwing all my belongings into it. I sighed frustrated knowing one of my favourite hoodies were missing. I glanced over at Jamie and saw her all snug in it I rolled my eyes tapping her for her to wake up. She groaned rolling around a bit.
"Man wake Yo ass up." I roughly pushed her.
"Bro chill out." She said annoyed.
"give me my shit." I said pulling her up by her hood.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" She semi yelled still being cautious of our daughter.
"I'm leaving, and I'm taking all my shit with me." I said calmly.
"For work?" She questioned sitting up scratching her head as her hair stsyed up in its a messy bun.
I didn't say anything.
"When will you be back?" She questioned further.
"So your ignoring me." She crossed her arms.
There was a long silence as she watched me.
"Baby you gotta at least talk to me."
"I'm not yo baby anymore. We been done.i told you I'm leaving you, and that's that." I sighed getting slightly annoyed.
Jamie scrunched her face up.
"What do you mean your leaving me Keith?"

She got up and started taking shit out of my suitcase.
"I think the fuck not." She said.
"Oh my god Jamie stop fucking playing."
"No, because you're not going anywhere!" She exclaimed.
"Yes I am!" I yelled in her face.
I picked up my sleeping babygirl Kayla softly before she got snatched out of my hands by her mother.
"You not taking my baby are you fucking crazy?!"
"Daddy." Kayla whined as she reached for me.
"It's ok baby."Jamie put her on her hip.
"Look at what you did, god I can't stand you!" I said picking up my suitcase. She put Kayla down just stood In front of our bedroom door watching me.
"YOU FINNA GIVE ME MY SHIT TOO!" I yelled going over to her and physically taking the hoody off of her man handling her as she fought back. Me being stronger won and she stood there in her sports bra and old track shorts.
I held out my hand.
"WHAT!" She yelled in my face.
"I want the promise ring I bought for you too, lemme give it to a girl who deserves it."
She stood there in shock, taken back by what I said, her bottom lip started to quiver as she looked down at the ring on her finger then back at me. Her voice started to crack.
"But Keith what did I do-"
"Now." She jumped at me interrupting her.
She sniffled before wriggling it off her hand and putting it softly into my palm
"Now move."
"What did I do wrong? If you tell me we-"
"Just get out the way." I said pushing past her.
"I'm still your girlfriend, don't talk to me like that."
"Was, my girlfriend." I corrected walking towards the front door.
I looked down when I felt a slight tug on my T-shirt.
"Daddy, where are you going?" My daughter asked looking up at me with her beautiful brown orbs that were ready eyed. she was a spitting image of her mother who I still deeply loved, I just couldn't tell her what was going on at the moment.
"Daddy's going away for a little while." I said picking her up. She frowned putting her face in the crook of my neck.
"But I don't want you to go." She said hugging my neck tight.
"How about I promise that I'll come back for you." 
I held out my pinky and we pinky promised.
I kissed her forehead twice.
"I love you girlie."
"I love you too daddy." I put her down and she tried to help me with my suitcase, I laughed at her cuteness before Jamie stood in front of the door.
"Oh my-" I scrunched up my face when she cut me off.
"No, you are going to listen to me." She put her finger in my face.
"Get your finger outta my face Jamie." I pushed it away and She slapped me across the cheek.
"Keith I have been nothing but loyal to you, I have done nothing except stay by your side through everything, every time I have done nothing but love you and cherish every moment with you even the ones where we didn't do nothing but sit down and talk. The little things matter. Just the look at you matters, just to smell you when I get a chance, give you a hug. when you hug me there's nothing else there, I feel like I'm floating on cloud 9. When you kiss me I feel like nothing can hurt me. Keith you have such an impact on me and Kayla's life and for you to just to just walk out on us like that, after everything we've been through? Your just gone say fuck it and walk out on us because stuff is getting difficult? you at least owe me an explanation, because I love you too much to let you go." She explained tears rolling down her face.
I done nothing except look down, as silence filled the house.
"So your really just gone leave us?" She questioned softly looking in my eyes as more tears formed.
"Look, If you wanna leave go, but I don't ever wanna see you again." She said looking at me basically pleading with her eyes.
I gave her one last look before opening the front door.

I stood there frozen unable to move. As the tears rolled down. I just poured out my heart to someone that doesn't even care.
Kayla looked at me, it probably felt weird to her watching her mommy cry.
I didn't say anything I just sat in the middle of the floor not knowing what to do to myself she crawled into my lap.
"It's okay momma, don't cry." She cupped my face with her small hands.
"Yesterday, daddy told me that even when we're miles and miles apart, we will always have a hold on his heart and that distance gives us reasons to love harder. I never really understood it...but I think he's saying that he'll always love you momma." She looked up at me with a weak smile.
"Babygirl, I love you and daddy loves you too." I said kissing her cheek.
"Then What did you do to make him leave if he still loved us?" She questioned.
"....... i... i don't know"
Just then I heard the door open back up and I looked at him.
"I forgot something."
He walked into the bedroom and he returned back into the hallway with a camera pointed at me laughing.
"You just got pranked." He yelled. I stood there still feeling iffy about the situation.
"She don't believe me yall." He said into the camera as he went and reached to get another one behind the plant pot where the front door was.
"Baby?" He questioned when he saw I hadn't moved.
"She stay with the dramatics yall look at her over here on the floor frozen."
"I hate you." I said emotionless trying to walk off but he grabbed my arm and set the camera on the side facing it towards us as he embraced me into a hug kissing my forehead.
"Look at my Kaybae." He said picking up Kayla and putting him met on his hip. She snuggled into his side.
"Babygirl I'm so sorry, but you know I don't like to lose." He said talking about our prank war.
"But that shit seemed so surreal." I whispered.
"So do I win?" He questioned looking at me.
I paused looking at the floor nodding my head before burying my face into his chest. This nigga playing with my feelings. I felt him tap my shoulder and he slid the ring back on my finger, grabbing my jaw and kissing me. I jumped on him and squeezed the life out of him.
"So you do love me." He said into my neck.
I still couldn't say anything. 
"Jamie?" He pulled away as he carried me into the living room making me straddle his lap as he sat down.
He looked into my eyes as he held my chin using his thumb to wipe my tears.
"Awwww my poor baby's heartbroken." He said as my bottom lip began to quiver again. I put my face in his neck again before my tears got out as he rubbed my back and stroked my hair.
"Yo wanna binge watch breaking bad?"
I stayed silent still sobbing.
"We can cuddle and eat ice cream."
"Yayyy ice cream!" I head Kayla cheer, suddenly wide awake.
Now we're talking.
I mumbled some sort of yes into his shoulder.
"But we gotta do the outro first." he put Kayla down.
"Aight we done yall, I just broke both my babies hearts so I gotta spoil them now, but anyways we'll be back on Friday with another video so make sure you turn on your post notifications so you never miss out on anything. Kayla do the honours!"
"Make sure you subscribe or we'll hack into you mind!" She screamed. I raised my eyebrows and chuckled that's a new one.
"Ayyyee We got a smile out of her!" Keith cheered and Kayla started dancing as Keith made a beat.
"Go kayla go kayla." He egged on as she attempted to  spin on her head.
"Come here before you break your neck." I said picking  her up as I held her upside down.
"Aight like comment and subscribe and we'll be back with another video." Keith said into the camera.
"Byeee." We all said.
He turned off the camera.
"Who wants ice cream?" Keith questioned.
"Meeeeeee." Me and Kayla yelled.
I laid asleep as I felt Keith's arm around me. I heard laughing and opened one eye to see Kayla laying on
Keiths chest as they watched sing.
Well they weren't really watching it. Instead, Kayla was trying to spoon feed him ice cream but kept on pulling it way every time he tried to eat it he playfully frowned.
She ate the ice cream instead and giggled in Keith's face.
"Aahhh." I opened my mouth because I wanted ice cream aswell.
She happily gave me some causing Keith to feel jealous he gave me a death glare as he burnt a whole in the side of my face.
I stuck my tongue out at him.
"You gone show me what that tongue do tonight!" He yelled.

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