Hood Convict

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"Okay Mr." I looked up at him as my lips twisted, I busted out laughing as he mugged me.
"I'm sorry I can't believe this , your surname is powers?! Are you a superhero or something." I held my stomach as I laughed harder sitting opposite him as he stale faced me in his cuffs, We were in the interrogation room. after his dumbass attempted a high speed getaway one of our undercover cop cars managed to side crash into him, when officer handro popped the trunk 30 kilos of hard white were found under the bonnet. So here I am trying to see if I can get anything out of him.
I flicked through his file it was thin as hell.
Name: Keith Powers
Address: Unknown
Weight:210 lbs
DOB: unknown
Sex: Male
Height: 6'2
Nationality: African American, brown hair, brown eyes.
No criminal history.
"Can you hurry this shit up I got places to be woman." He smirked looking up at me his voice was husk. I looked up from the file with an amused look.
"It's Miss Carlo, and I'll take my time" I corrected he scoffed and rolled his eyes sitting back in his chair. I smoothed out my creases of my trousers before sitting down infront of him about to turn on the cassette recorder when he interrupted me again.
"Miss Carloooooo." He sang swaying in his seat a little.
I looked at him as he flashed a smile at me. this guy is a headache and I haven't even started interrogating him yet.
"What." I looked at him keeping a straight face.
"Could you get me a water please, I like it ice cold, like my women." He licked his lips winking at me. I mugged him before accepting his request. I turned on my heels walking out the room as I felt him look at my ass. I appeared with his cup of water and undone his cuffs so he could drink. I sat down looking at him. He looked at the cup and then back at me, I sat back in my chair playing with a strand of hair.
"Drink then." I spat. He chuckled shaking his head.
"I'm not thirsty anymore, you look good in them pants tho-"
I turned on the cassette recorder and began to talk over him. He shutup finally and rested his head on his hands looking at me, this man was like a big ass kid.
"Mr powers, how are you." I asked chirpily.
"I'm good and yourself?" He asked.
"I'm fine-"
"As hell you are." He mumbled biting his lip.
"Excuse me?" Now he was starting to piss me off, it was 1:30am and I wanted to take my ass to sleep he was my last client today, couldn't he just cooperate so this could Finnish quicker?
"You heard me ma." He smiled. That damn smile.
"Mr Powers you are under oath, do you understand that anything you say or do can go against you in the court of law?"
"I do." He mumbled running his hand over his face.
"Mr Powers Where we're you tonight?"
"No comment, but your coming mine later."
He held heavy eye contact as I looked right back at him, I ain't bout to play with his ass
"What were you doing tonight?"
"No comment."
I sighed this was about to be a long night.
"So you mean to tell me 30 kilos of crack cocaine, just magically appeared in the trunk of your car."
"Perhaps." He played with his nails keeping a straight face.
"Perhaps the crack cocaine is yours? Or perhaps you were carrying it for someone else?" He shot me a look.
"No comment."
"Well seems as you were the one caught with the drugs, what were you doing with them."
"Driving my Matte black g wagon." He smiled, clearly boasting, I rolled my eyes very unamused. That was an ugly ass car anyways.
"Driving from where?"
"No comment." He ran his fingers over his waves.
I tucked some hair behind my ear looking through his file again, now it was my turn to smirk. I was about to get his ass now.
"You do realise, Possession of firearm with criminal intent is life. Possession of a class A drug, well 30Kilos to be exact with intent to supply is Also Life so, hold on lemme calculate here. Isnt life plus life....life in prison?" I raised my eyebrows, with a smug look, he scolded me and sat forward putting his arms on the steel table, I did the same.
"Who said I had criminal intent?" He questioned.
"So you were in possession of a firearm? Hmm interesting." He gritted his teeth as his smile faded. I smirked.
"Gotcha." I mouthed and he shot me the bird.
"Mr powers it's 1:45 am and I'm tired as hell, do you have anything else to say or not."
"No comment."
"Well then I guess I'll see you in cou-"
"Wait." He looked down playing with his thumbs.
"Wait what?" I questioned looking at him. He rolled his eyes looking across the room.
"They're not-"
"I'm sorry you're gonna have to speak up." I cupped my ear smiling.
"They're not mine." He bit the inside of the cheek.
A snitch?
"Whose are they?"
"I was carrying it for a friend."
"Who's this friend?"
He didn't say anything.
"Tall? Short? Thin? Fat? White? Black? Male? Female?" He put his head in his hands as his leg started bobbing up and down.
"If I tell you, I need full immunity, and witsec."
Full immunity and witsec my ass
"I'll see what I can do."
We held eye contact and he sighed. He shook his head.
"Never mind forget I even said anything." He waved his hand around. I cocked my head to the side.
"Are you sure? I can get you full immunity-"
"I'm sure goddamn it." I looked up at him as his temple started to pulse, he was mad. But why? I just asked a series of questions.
I sighed looking at my watch.
"The time now is 1:47am And I am ending this tape." I turned off the tape and stood up I walked over to him ignoring his lustfull looks he gave my body. "Wrists." I demanded. He pulled out his wrists grinning.
"An agent as fine as you shit you can interrogate me anytime, with yo sexy ass." he flicked his tongue repetitively whilst I shook my head.
"Don't front you probably liked that shit." He chuckled as I attempted to put the cuffs on him.
"Your nasty."
"Let's be nasty together, lemme bend you over the table baby." I ignored him
"Guards take him back to his holding cell." I called out to the one way window mirror on the wall. Two guards came through the door and ushered him back to his holding cell.
"I'll see you around, miss Carlo." He sang my name as he turned round the corner. What a crazy motherfucker.

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