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-Running out of ideas, comment some,
-accepting imagine requests, dm me❤️
(BabyMomma, is a just friends sequel, Keith, Kiera and kalliah 4 years later)
"Ugh fuck babe." I groaned, Kiera tightened her walls around me as I drilled into her shit faster. She moaned throwing it back harder as she spoke.
"I'm about to c-c-cum shiiiit."
Whoever it is, they're gonna have to wait. Kiera just gave me pussy after being on her period for a week. A nigga was waiting for this.
She finished her high as I pulled out cumming on her ass. She collapsed onto the bed as I played with her pussy softly.
Before, licking my fingers.
"You taste good mama."
She giggled in response as she pulled me down to kiss her.
I was about to go for round four-
Then Kalliah started banging on our bedroom door.
"Mommy, daddy. Someone's at the door." She yelled.
Kiera pushed me away but I pulled her back in as I squeezed her ass sliding my tongue down her throat.
"Ok baby, daddy's gonna open the door." She yelled breathlessly. I stopped kissing her as I gave her the look.
"What? We can continue after, go get the door." She smiled pushing me off of her.
"Mane this some bullshit." I smacked my teeth throwing on some basketball pants as I grabbed a wife beater. I walked down the staircase. But jogged when I saw kalliah had already opened the door. I'm gonna whoop her ass.
I was about to ring the doorbell again but the door swung open. I looked down and had seen, oh my gosh. Is that- my baby girl is so big. She was in a princess dress with crumbs over her face but she was still the cutest little thing. Did Keith let her open the door? She shouldn't be doing that.
"Hello ma'am" she spoke in between giggles, my heart skipped a beat at how chirpy her voice was.
"Hello missy-
"Missy? My names kalliah." She said as she stood on one foot, typical toddler can't keep still.
I was taken back, she was definitely Fiesty, I couldn't help but laugh.
"Right my bad, kalliah. Is Keith here?"
"Yeah he's upstairs with mommy. DADDY I SAID SOMEBODYS AT THE DOOR." She yelled at the staircase.
I'm her mommy.
I quickly fixed my face as she turned around to face me again, but my heart was broken. I heard heavy footsteps lead down the stairs as we made eye contact.
He dismissed kalliah as he stood at the front door.

Keith POV
She looked up at me and smiled.
Damn why is my heart beating so fast?
"Hey." She said as she looked down at her feet.
I tried to speak but my voice was hitched in my throat, I was purely shocked.
She noticed my silence and began rambling.
"I'm sorry, I probably shouldn't have come here I've just-" I cut her off.
"Nah my bad, I just. I ain't expect to see you so soon."
"Yeah I, got my shit together in rehab. I hated it there. But I'm 3 years clean now." She couldn't help but smile at her achievement as she bit her lip proudly. That damn smile, It was so contagious, before I knew it I was smiling with her like a damn fool.
"You look so much better, you look good." I was genuinely surprised, I took time to check her out. She was wearing plain jeans with a tank top. She's put on weight in all the right places, and her skin is glowing, it's like I just met her all over again not to mention that ass she always had- wait a minute, Keira is upstairs and she's the whole package, I don't need to be looking at Shannalia like this.
"Thanks." She mumbled looking off to the side.
"I was released from rehab last week, I just got my own place, not too far from here. I got a job, I just want to get back on my feet. For kalliah."
I narrowed my eyes, I call bullshit. For years I've been waiting for her to act right, and now she is, I can't help but be suspicious.
"For kalliah." I repeated slowly.
"I know I f-"
"Left her alone in your apartment for 2 days on the floor with no food or drink?" I spat.
"Yes and I-
"You dumped her on me every time you could turning up to my work place making a scene?" I folded my arms pulling my chin hair as she looked down.
"Yes I fucked up and I am taking complete ownership for my actions. During rehab, I realised. Kalliah is the best thing to happen to me. And willing to do whatever I have to, to be her mom again."
"Again? You were never her mom you just gave birth to her." I spat, I'm not letting up, this woman has dragged me through hell, I don't have to be nice to her. I felt Keira come up behind me.
"Babe, is everything alright-" she froze once she saw Shannalia. As they made eye contact. Shanna spoke up smiling.
"Oh hi! I remember you. Keith's friend right?"
"Fiancé." Kiera corrected showing off the diamond ring I bought her.
Shanna nodded as she looked between us.
"Congratulations." She said, but I could hear the sadness in her voice.
"Thanks, what did you want." Kiera asked her looking between us both.
"I wanted us to have joint custody over kalliah."
She carried on talking but I tuned her out, she wanted joint custody over my baby girl.

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