Bestfriends (bonus)

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"Nala stop eating my washing detergent!" I yelled to her as I followed the trail of white washing powder all around the house sweeping it up. Just as I got in a pile, my 12 year old son stepped into it as he counted his kickups with his football.
"Nico!" I yelled as I raised my hand.
He jumped grabbing the football and running away.
"Your spreading it everywhe- , you know what I ain't doing this shit. " I said dropping the dustpan and brush, kissing my teeth.
I went to the bathroom to get started on my makeup when I quickly screamed in shock.
"Boy what the fuck!" I yelled as I back hand slapped him."
"Ouch ma damn."
"Gimme your phone." I snatched it away from him.
"No, I'm 15 you can't tell me what to do." Kedon grabbed the phone from me.
"Nigga did you just-" I grabbed my slipper and started whooping his behind.
"Boy. You. Better. Show. Some. Damn. Respect."
I grabbed his ear twisting it.
"Don't let me ever see you try send a girl a dick pick ever again do you understand?"
"Yes." He said lowly.
"Yes what?!"
""Yes ma'am." He said a little louder.
"Get changed." I said standing in the door way pointing for him to get out. He hesitantly did as told I growled and he jumped as he ran past me.
"Where is this girl? she needs a bath." I said going up the stairs.
As I went up I saw Keith coming down the stairs holding Nala upside down I saw white powder all around her mouth and in her hair.
"Morning baby." We both said giving each other a quick peck on the lips.
"Stop eating my ditergent missy." I said as I pinched her nose softly. The three year old giggled in Keith's arms.
"Give her a bath please." I said as I rushed past him.
"Was just about to." He said going down the steps.
I went into the girls bathroom on the second floor.
They were all doing their hair and makeup as they had a full blown squabble
"Well imma stay Bardi gang for life."
"Nooo, Nicki is queen." Two of them argued.
"Yall nearly ready?" I asked over the noise.
"Yes mama." My 5 year old daughter Nia nodded as she sat on the floor with my 16 year old daughter Kenza doing her hair.
"What do you think mom?" My other 16 year old son Kendra asked as he held to different hair pieces in his hand. Yes I gave birth to twins again. And one of them is gay. His name was Kendrick but we got it changed.
I pointed to the curly one and he got to work.
"Yall are so much less hassle than your brothers." I sighed in relief coming out of the room. and going into my bedroom.
I had already showered so untying my robe I FaceTimed Keith.
He picked up on the first ring
"Yes baby?"
"What's the colour?"
"Bl- Nala stop splashing your daddy." He complained.
"It's blue."
"Alright." I said ending the call.
I went to the girls bathroom again.
"The colours blue."
"Okay." They all said.
This was a common thing in our house. At special events where there was lots of people where we are going to be we would all go in the same or similar colours, not just for swag, but we have a knack for losing our children and it's easier to spot them.
I put on a blue off the shoulder summer dress with white heels. I walked into my wardrobe choosing which bag to wear. I decided with a Louis Vuitton blue purse.
I twirled in the mirror looking at myself.
I looked at my reflection some more and noticed something in the back, an old photo.
I went over to the shelf that held my bags and pulled it out from underneath.
It was a picture of me, Kaidence Keith and Kaare sitting in a booth at a restaurant.
Kaare had ice cream over his face cheesing hard as Kaidence showed her hands up to the camera that was covered in ice cream making an oops face. I had ice cream handprints down one arm as I kissed Keith's cheek holding my pregnant belly as, he had his arms on the table smirking towards the camera with ice cream on his beard and moustache.
I promised myself that I wasn't going to cry today but, this photos brought back happy memories.
I miss them so much, they were so little and devious, we all looked so young.
My bottom lip quivered. And the door slowly opened and in stepped Keith.
"What's wrong babygirl?"
He saw the photo and embraced me in a hug.
"Where did the time go Keith?" I looked up at him.
He didn't say anything he just looked deep into my eyes filling them with love. Putting a piece of hair behind my ear smiling weakly he pulled away holding the photo.
"Our kids stay crazy." He said chuckling.
"They were troublesome twins ." Keith said.
"Then I found out I was pregnant with twins again." I said
"Kenza, the sensible one out of everyone." Keith said.
"And Kendra the not is sensible one."
"I can't believe he likes dick.I'll never unsee what happened at their sweet 16th" Keith shook his head in disbelief. I nudged him to stop.
"Oh my god, then we had Kedon." I sighed putting my head in my hands, he's a head case, puberty hit him and now he's a heartbreaker, lord Jesus my son is a fuckboy at 15."
"That's my boy. He's getting all the chicks" Keith smirked nodding his head looking into thin air. I mugged him.
"Like father like son." He added, I smacked him upside the head.
"And then Nico, I swear to god if he don't sto-" I heard a bang sound downstairs.
"He's been enthusiastic about football ever since he started walking. That kid got a lot going for him."
"Yeah." I nodded in agreement.
"Aww and daddies girl Nia." I said reminiscing all the times they would sing and dance to the Moana soundtrack and have it on repeat.
"She's 5 already, she's growing up too fast, I want her to stay my nene forever." Keith fake cried into my chest. I laughed holding his heavy ass head.
"Nia's such a sweetheart, my little angel."
We got silent and both gave each other that look
"1 word." Keith said.
"Nala." We both said tiredly at the same time.
Nala was currently going through that toddler stage where that learn new phrases and say it on a day to day basis she's also bad: biting, screaming, kicking, crying, swearing and annoying everyone. If you can't find something, Nala most likely has it.
"Where did we go wrong with her?" Keith questioned throwing his hands up in the air.
"I'm tired of smelling laundry detergent all around the house." I complained.
"Preach it." Keith added.
I was pregnant with Nala for 11 long ass months, during the pregnancy I was craving laundry detergent, everyday and night. With all the other kids I just craved weird food combos, like hot Cheetos with milk but Nala was a whole different kettle of fish.
She's always in the laundry room with her hands in the laundry detergent powder, licking it off her fingers and when she's not she's carrying it around the house with her, leaving a little trail around the house whilst singing baby shark.
"But she does have a smile that could light up the world." I smiled.
Nala was just cute and when she smiled she always got her own way.
"The only person that doesn't fall for it is Kenza, I have no idea how she does it." Keith said in confusion.
"She's just too cute, I can't, she's 3 and already has everyone like putty in her hands."
I sniffed the smell of laundry detergent whiffing my nose.
"Yes mommy." She said her head popping round the door with a ring on the powder round her mouth giggling.
"What's up with you." I said warily.
"Eat my ass!" She yelled running away as far as her little legs could carry her.
"Keith, you better tell Bean head if he swears around my kid again my foots going up his ass." I told him Walking out.
"His names Elijah."
"I don't give a fuck."

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