[RE8] Ethan Winters x F!Reader

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Junkyard Princess

Summary: Ethan meets Heisenberg's eccentric and flirtatious daughter who offers to help him rescue his daughter, Rosemary.

Third-Person POV
"Y'know you really should've just accepted his deal," said a feminine voice.

"Who said that? Show yourself!" Ethan demands, his shotgun at the ready. A young woman emerges from the shadows, a princess among the dust, dirt, and forgotten junk. Her beauty catches him off guard, causing him to unknowingly lower his weapon.

She smiles at his agape expression, "[Y/N] Heisenberg, pleasure to finally meet you. I'm that mutant engineer's daughter."

"His daughter? So you think I should've partnered up with that psycho and used my own daughter as a weapon?" Ethan scowls.

"That's an ugly look," mutters [Y/N]. "I never said that, Mr. Winters. Just because you agree accept a deal doesn't mean you have to hold up your end of the bargain. Except for when it comes to that duke, he'll never let you hear the end of it."

"You wanted me to partner up with your father and then stab him in the back?" He looks at the girl with an exasperated expression. She couldn't possibly be serious, right?

"Bingo! Either way, that option's out of the question."

"So, what's your story? Why're you trying to help me?" Ethan couldn't help but wonder what kind of woman her mother was. Was she just as crazy as [Y/N]'s father?

"My mother was a woman from the village and my father took a liking to her. They'd meet in secret and Miranda caught on shortly after I was born. She killed my mother and forced my father to relinquish me to her. Then she experimented on me and turned me into a freak just like her other children," she frowns. It was not a topic she wishes to reminisce about often. Alcina Dimitrescu actually pitied the poor girl and offered for her to live in her castle on multiple occasions. Of course, this would always sprout a fight with her father.

"I... I'm sorry to hear that. If you don't mind my asking... what is it you do?"

"Me? Well... I can do this!" [Y/N] quirks a smile and flexes her fingers before yanking her arms back in a pulling motion. Before Ethan has enough time to react, he can feels the pull of an invisible force dragging him into her grasp until they're almost nose to nose. [Y/N] giggles and gives him a quick peck on the nose.

"What? What the...?" He was at a loss of words.

"Speechless, huh? Shame you're married, papa seems to like you," she chuckles. "Come on, let's go save that cute little daughter of yours!" [Y/N] grabs his head and leads him away to who knows where.

"This entire family is batshit crazy," Ethan mutters in disbelief.

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