[Fo4] Cait x Sole Survivor

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Better Than a Bag o' Chems

Summary: Cait confesses her feelings for the Sole Survivor after their help at Vault 95.

Third-Person POV
Ever since their first meeting at the Combat Zone and subsequent contract, Cait and [Y/N] have been inseparable. They both held each other with such high regard and trust. Vault 95 became the turning point in their relationship.

"Hey! Can we talk for a second?" Cait beckons.

"Sure, anything for you." [Y/N] smiles and comes to a complete stop. Their attention now completely dedicated to their companion.

She blushes before regaining her train of thought. "Back at Vault 95, you saved me life and I'm forever grateful for that, ya know?"

"You don't have to thank me. You're my friend and I want you to live your best life." [Y/N] places a supportive hand on her shoulder.

"I was afraid you'd said that." Cait sighs.

[Y/N] began to worry. Weren't they friends? Did they something wrong? "What do you mean? We are friends aren't we?"

"I was kinda hoping that... ugh how do I say this? You're a good person, you're always helping people and I've never met someone like you in all me life. Me own parents abused me and sold me into slavery. You set me free. I have felt this alive since... well ever." Cait let out a heavy sigh and began to rub her arm nervously. "You know I'm not good with this mushy stuff so I'll just say it. Look me in the eyes and try and tell me you don't feel a connection between us."

"I never realized you felt that way, Cait. I mean, there was the playful flirting here and there but I just figured... never mind." [Y/N] grabs Cait's hands and holds them in their own. "I feel the same way, Cait. Ever since I first laid eyes on you as a matter a fact."

Cait lets out a hearty chuckle. "That ol' mess back at the Combat Zone? You're a real piece of work you know that?" She leans in and [Y/N] closes the distance. The new couple share a tender kiss under the stars.

A/N: This chapter was requested by marvellord12.

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