[Fo4] Edward Deegan x F!Singer [Songfic]

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Let's Go Sunning

Summary: Edward Deegan develops an interest in one of the singers at The Third Rail.

Third-Person POV
It was the typical evening in Goodneighbor. Neighborhood Watch patrolled the streets littered with drifters and chem junkies of the like. Many others took to spending their caps at The Third Rail, the hippest joint in all of Goodneighbor. Magnolia, clad in her typical red, sequin dress, descended the stage and took a seat next her colleague.

"You're up, sweetheart." She gives the young woman an encouraging pat on the back as she swiftly slides into her seat. "You're kidding? This is the fifth time tonight. I've never been requested this much. It's usually just you. You're so talented and all." Her head drops to the bottle of Nuka-Cola placed in front of her. "Hey don't sell yourself short, honey. You're one of the most talented people I know. Now get on up there. Wouldn't want to disappoint your secret admirer, would we?" Magnolia winks and turns to place her order with Whitechapel Charlie. 'Secret admirer?' She thought. 'That would certainly explain the influx of requests in the past week.'

The young woman, eventually, swallows her pride and ventures towards the stage. All eyes were on her as she smooths out her sequin dress and hesitantly grasps the microphone in front of her. Suddenly, the music sparks to life and she begins to sing.

Let's go sunning
It's so good for you
Let's go sunning
Beneath the sky of blue
Greet the sun every morn
Feel as free and happy as the day you were born

Her eyes glide across the room, striving to find any clue to who this "secret admirer" could be. She knew there were many frequent guests but there had to be something that set them apart, right?

Let's go native
Sun your cares away
Be creative
Learn to live and play
Pretty flowers need the sun
This applies to everyone

She eagerly scans the crowd once again. Nothing. Just the sight of onlookers tapping their feet and drowning themselves in booze.

Life's worth living
When nature's giving
Happiness to everyone
So let's go sunning

Across the room, a ghoul, Edward Deegan, sits relishing in the voice of the young woman. Her voice brought him back to the pre-war era, back to when things were easier. He always enjoyed his time with the Cabot family but he couldn't deny his desires to get away every once in awhile. She was his escape.

Let's go native
Sun your cares away
Be creative
Learn to live and play
Pretty flowers need the sun
This applies to everyone

Magnolia turns to Edward and gently nudges him in the side. "You should go talk to her." He shrugs and traces his finger around the top of his glass. "I don't know. I'm a ghoul and she's... her. It'll never work." Magnolia scowls and deviates a plan. She didn't want to intervene, but she knew it was the only way.

Life's worth living
When nature's giving
Happiness to everyone
So let's go sunning

The song comes to a crisp conclusion. Sounds of applause boom throughout the room as she departs the stage. Magnolia gives Edward a gentle push and, before he can refrain, he's face to face with her. "Hello, do I know you?" She grins. He clears his throat. "Edward Deegan. I've been admiring you from afar. Thought I'd take a break from all the sunning." Edward gestures towards himself and smirks as he gains a chuckle from the young woman. "Far enough." She smiles.

A/N: After writing a chapter for Jack Cabot, I thought Edward Deegan deserved one too. The song is "Let's Go Sunning" by Jack Shaindlin, a throwback to Fallout 3!

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