[FNV] Doc Mitchell x F!Reader

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No Place Like Home

Summary: When Doc Mitchell and his fellow vault dwellers were evicted from Vault 21, he traveled the Mojave in search of purpose.

Third-Person POV
Life outside of the vault had been difficult for Doc Mitchell. He was born and raised in Vault 21 and knew little to nothing of the outside world. He tried to take a more optimistic approach to his recent eviction and took it as an opportunity to travel and explore his new world.

He'd always been an intelligent and compassionate doctor and never failed to give his fellow travelers of the Mojave the medical attention they needed. Most had relatively easy to fix ailments from minor radiation poisoning to dehydration, but occasionally he'd come across those with more serious injuries. Doc Mitchell loved where his travels took him but he couldn't ignore his heart that called him back to New Vegas.

As soon as he entered through the gate, he saw her walking the strip. '[Y/N] never left New Vegas?' He thought. She was his childhood sweetheart and the one woman who changed his world. He felt guilty leaving both her and the vault, but he knew what he needed to do. Quickly, Doc Mitchell spun her around in his arms and embraced her.

[Y/N] was in shock. "Mitchell?"

"During my travels I realized something," he pulled back to look her directly in her eyes. "There's no place like home. You're my home."

"That's so sweet, but I don't follow?"

"Would you join me on my travels as my wife?" He took her hands into his own.

"I- of course!" She shouted."

A/N: This chapter was requested by ThePeriwinkleWitch.

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