[Fo3] Butch DeLoria x F!Reader

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Who's Sadie Hawkins?

Summary: Butch tries to, not so subtlety, drop hints to his crush, [Y/N], about asking him to the upcoming Sadie Hawkins dance.

Third-Person POV
It was the early morning hours of another school day for the younger occupants of Vault 101. [Y/N] had woke up earlier than usual that morning to get some last minute studying in for class began. Of course, Butch had beaten her to the door.

"Ugh... what do you want this time, Butch?" [Y/N] interrogated, clearly annoyed with his antics.

"Ya know the Sadie Hawkins dance is comin' up?" He asked.

"Yeah, Amata designed the posters and I helped her hang them up around the vault. What about it?"

"Have you asked anyone yet?" Butch fixed his hair, trying to look suave but ultimately trying to mask his nerves.

"Have I asked-? Oh, I see." [Y/N] lit up as she came to her conclusion.

"See what? What're you on about?"

"You want me to ask you to the Sadie Hawkins dance," she stated pointedly.

Butch had begun to panic. "What? No! I mean- are you asking?"

"I can't believe it! You and your grease monkeys tease me and Amata all the time. Why would I ask you?"

"First off, we're greasers and you ever think that maybe I tease you so much to get your attention?" Butch sighed and shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "Listen, just think about it okay? Also, please don't tell any of the guys about this."

"My lips are sealed," promised [Y/N].

Butch gave a grateful nod and proceeded to enter the classroom to took his seat. [Y/N] follows along not long after.

The school day drew to a close and the students dispersed. [Y/N] quickly caught up with Amata in hallway.

"Hey Amata, who're planning to ask to the Sadie Hawkins dance?"

"I'm thinking of asking Paul Hannon," Amata answered.

"Paul Hannon? Didn't he harass you?" [Y/N] couldn't believe it. Paul from the Tunnel Snakes?

"He's actually a really nice and kinda sweet when he's not hanging around those other guys. Enough about me, who're you asking?"

[Y/N] inwardly facepalmed. "Ugh. I don't know yet. Butch cornered me this morning about it and I told him I'd think about it. Maybe I shouldn't go."

"Butch? Guess I should've known. I mean, the guy's been giving you puppy dog eyes all day," Amata sighed, "Listen even if you don't wanna ask him, I'd like you to be there. You've helped me so much with making all the decorations. You should have fun too."

"Yeah, maybe you're right."

"Of course I am," joked Amata.

"I'll see you tomorrow," [Y/N] waved goodbye and the two girls went their separate ways.

Quickly the days flew by and the day had finally arrived. The day of the Sadie Hawkins dance.  [Y/N], Amata, and even James took time just hours before getting the atrium prepared for the dance. Students piled into the freshly decorated atrium and began to mingle and dance along to the music. Butch and his date, Susie Mack, finally arrived to the dance. He was well dressed but looked less than thrilled to have the young girl hanging onto his arm. In the end, [Y/N] never asked anyone to the dance and opted to just help out where she could. She also promised to keep an eye out for Amata just in case Paul decided to get handsy.

"Hey Butch, Susie," [Y/N] approached the couple with a ginger smile.

Susie looked the girl over in distaste. Susie never liked her and [Y/N] could never seem to understand why.

"[Y/N], where's the lucky guy?" Butch scanned [Y/N] meticulously.

"Oh, I didn't ask anyone."

"Enough chit chat. Butch, let's go dance!" Susie pulled Butch along like a rag doll down the stairs and onto the dance floor.

The night seemed to be going smoothly. Everyone was enjoying themselves and [Y/N] only had to refill the punch bowel twice. She was bored beyond a doubt while she leaned against the wall watching her other classmates having all the fun. [Y/N]'s attention soon fell onto Butch. He was sitting all alone and Susie was nowhere to be found. Against her better judgement, she approached his table and took a seat.

"Hey Butch. Where's Susie?" she asked.

Butch pointed to another part of the room. "Arguing with Stevie in the corner."

[Y/N] decided to be bold. "Do you wanna dance?"


"Do you wanna dance with me, Butch?" she repeated.

"Thought you'd never ask," he smiled.

They both stood and joined hands, Butch led the way to the dance floor. The previous song came to an end and slower song took its place.

"Just follow my lead," Butch whispered as the two began to sway.

Holding hands at midnight
'Neath the starry sky
Nice work if you can get it
And you can get it if you try

Strollin' with the one girl
Sighin' sigh after sigh
Nice work if you can get it
And you can get it if you try

Just imagine someone
Waiting at the cottage door
Where two hearts become one
Who could ask for anything more?

Loving one who loves you
And then taking that vow
Nice work if you can get it
And if you get it
Won't you tell me how?

Just imagine someone
Waitin' at the cottage door
Where two hearts become one
Who could ask for anything more?

Loving one who loves you
And then taking that vow
Nice work if you can get it
And if you get it
Won't you tell me how?

As the song ended the two share a gentle kiss and a smile.

"Who's Sadie Hawkins anyway?" he questioned. [Y/N] could only answer with a laugh. Maybe Butch wasn't such a bad guy after all?

A/N: Extra long chapter this time. The song used is "Nice Work If You Can Get It" by Diana Krall and Tony Bennett. Personally, The Ink Spots cover of it is my favorite and I even own a record of theirs with the song on it. This chapter was requested by zenfinder.

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