[FNV] Benny x F!Reader

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Pay Up, Buttercup!

Summary: Benny owes a debt to a dangerous and mysterious woman. Little does she know, he's got more than caps up his sleeve.

Third-Person POV
It was a cool, rainy day in New Vegas. Puddles of varying sizes litter the New Vegas Strip. Despite the dreadful weather, this didn't detour its occupants from mingling about and gambling their caps away.

A young woman and group of men enter the doors to the Lucky 38. They each had a dangerous look in their eyes. A man stands at the front desk looking startled yet prepared for the worst.

"[Y/N], hope you aren't looking for trouble?" he asks.

"What? Worried we'll pull a fast one on ya, Swank? I'm just here to collect what's mine and I'll be out of your hair," [Y/N] teases.

As if on cue, a dark-haired man in a black and white checkered suit enters the lobby.

"[Y/N]! Fancy seeing you here! Looking fantastic as usual might I add."

"Save the casualties, Benny. I'm here for one thing and one thing only. It's time to pay up, buttercup!" she demands, looking more agitated by the minute.

"Ah, I see. You've finally succumbed to my charm. I knew you'd come around baby!" Benny jests.

"You're lucky you've caught me on a good day. My caps, Benny, where are they?"

"The caps... right," Benny sighs and looks off to the side.

"2,000 caps to be precise," chimes one of [Y/N]'s bodyguards.

"Thanks Jim, but I'll handle this," [Y/N] looks around the room, taking in the growing looks from onlookers. Benny seems to notice and speaks up, "Listen [Y/N], why don't we take this somewhere more private?"

[Y/N] gives him an odd look but sighs, "Alright, but if you try-"

"No funny business, I promise," he interrupts.

[Y/N] held her palm out as if to say 'lead on.' Benny clues in and leads the way to his personal suite. The venture was full of nothing but silence with the exception of footsteps and the occasional clinking of someone messing with their lighter, until they finally arrive. Benny went to open the door but stops abruptly, his hand still resting on the handle.

"Goons stay outside, alright? This is a matter between you and me," Benny reasons.

[Y/N] feels a bit uneasy, but knows she could hold their own if necessary and complies with his request. "Fair enough. Goons, you heard the man."

The bodyguards nod and step aside to clear the way. Benny opens the door, they enter, and he closes it on the way in.

"Nice place you've got here. Surely you can manage to cough up 2,000 caps, no?" she teases.

Benny cracks, "Straight to the point as usual. Typical [Y/N], never change baby."

"Stop trying to change the subject. I want my money-"

"But you're right, I can manage to cough up 2,000 caps," Benny reaches into the sofa cushions and pulls out a bag full of caps and drops it onto [Y/N]'s open palm. "2,000 caps in full. You can even count them if don't believe me. It's all there."

[Y/N] stares at the bag in awe and looks up to meet Benny's gaze. "I don't understand. If you had the caps all along why did you string me along this whole time?"

Benny gaze meets his shoes, as if he'd been awaiting that question. He sighs, "Well... I really like you, [Y/N]. Ever since I first laid ol eyes on ya. I knew once I paid you that I'd likely never see you again. There... I said it."

"So you mean to tell me that this entire fiasco was all the because you didn't have the courage to ask me on a proper date? Benny, I would've gladly accepted if you'd just asked. Would've saved me the massive headache, that's for sure," Y/N] smiles and caresses his cheek.

Benny places his hand onto hers and returns her smile. "Well a ring-a-ding-ding!"

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