[RE8] The Lords Go On Vacation [Crackfic]

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The Lords Go On Vacation

Summary: All four lords deliberate on where to go on their annual family vacation.

Credit: The beautiful artwork above is by riicemochii on Instagram/Twitter.


Third-Person POV
The four lords are gathered once more for another family meeting. This one is not unlike the last and is of utmost importance: choosing a vacation destination for their annual family vacation.

"I've heard all of your arguments. Some of you were less persuasive than others, but... I've made my decision. Moreau. You'll be deciding this year's vacation destination," said Mother Miranda.

"Mother Miranda, I must protest!" Alcina erupts.

Heisenberg chimes, "For once, I actually agree with big bitch. What does Moreau know about picking a vacation spot?"

Moreau stands his ground and scans the room. "Donna lended me some books, so I know a thing or two! I won't let you down Mother Miranda!"


Moreau's decision was to visit one of the many sandy beaches of the Italian peninsula but he was much too overwhelmed by choice. So Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela played an old-fashioned game of rock, paper, scissors to decide which beach to go to.

Two weeks later and here they are, Mother Miranda, all four lords, and the Dimitrescu sisters have arrived at their vacation destination. It's a beautiful sunny day and Mother Miranda is sitting in a folding chair, binoculars in hand, watching the birds fly overhead. Donna and Angie are keeping themselves busy by making sandcastles.

Bela and Daniela are playing volleyball while Cassandra stands by as referee. Moreau is floating around in a pool float in the shallow ocean water. Alcina is lounging in a sun lounger under a beach umbrella and Heisenberg is busy fiddling with a metal detector he found.

"You know, I think we might've misjudged poor Salvatore. It seems he can be useful... sometimes." Alcina smirks and takes a sip from the wine glass in her hand.

"I'm the best!" Moreau could be heard shouting off in the distance.

"These stupid things are built so cheap they're worth more in scrap," complains Heisenberg as he chucks the metal detector behind him and to God knows where.

"Hey! Uncle Karl!" Cassandra waves her arms to gain his attention. "Wanna team up with me in a volleyball match?"

He answers with a gleam in his eyes. "Sure Cas, let's crush those girls!"


Mia and Ethan reach the beach with little baby Rosemary in tow. Ethan scans the perimeter of the beach looking for the perfect spot to pitch their beach umbrella when, suddenly, he spots them.

"No way! What're you guys doing here?" Ethan shouts in pure panic.

Alcina disregards him with a huff and a scowl. "This is our spot, stupid man thing. If you want to lounge about you'll have to go somewhere else."

"So, you're not gonna try and kill us or kidnap Rose again?"

"Ethan, let's just go. They seem pretty passive," Mia reassures him with a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Let's go, I think I know the perfect spot."

"Passive... right." Ethan shrugs off his anxiety and leaves the family to their beach shenanigans.

A/N: This was just a fun chapter idea I'd had in my head for awhile. Who doesn't love some wholesome monster family fun? Thanks again to Sam (riicemochii) for allowing me to use her art for this chapter. Make sure to follow her on Instagram and Twitter (links above)!

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