[FNV] Benny x F!Courier

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A Little Tied Up

Summary: After an intimate evening together, Benny leaves [Y/N] high and dry in pursuit of The Fort.

In memory of Matthew Perry
Aug 19 1969 - Oct 28 2023

Pussycat -

Thanks for showing this cat the best hey-hey he's ever-ever! Talk about platinum in the sack, toots! Where'd you learn that 18 karat trick with the heels of your feet? You didn't just make my toes curl - they popped off and rolled under the bed!

I wish I could stay for another round, but this gent's got places to be, things to do. You showing up has forced my hand, baby! The time to act is now!

I won't be around for a while, but if everything works out right, you and me are a date, got it? Wouldn't miss it for all the caps in Vegas.

Now don't get clingy and try to follow me.



[Y/N] couldn't believe it, the words written in his note echoed in her mind the entire journey to Fortification Hill; and they continued to ring out in her mind throughout her battle against Caesar. When it was all said and done, [Y/N] finally approached the man of the hour.

"Y'know I said don't be clingy and follow me, but boy am I glad to see you toots," Benny let out a sigh of relief as the courier's face came into view.

[Y/N] scowled, "Don't confuse my actions with clinginess, I'm still mad at you."

"Look, I get it. No one likes waking up the next morning in an empty bed, and I'll gladly make it up to you. Now would you please untie me?"

[Y/N] let out a heavy sigh. She knew he was right, they weren't gonna get anywhere with him restrained, kneeling on the ground. She kneeled to his level and cut loose the ropes tied around his wrists.

"In a different setting I might've found this-"

"Don't finish that sentence," [Y/N] interrupted. She didn't even need to hear the rest of what he was going to say as she already had a pretty good idea of what it was.

"We still on for that date, pussycat?" Benny had a look in his eye that gave her butterflies and made her realize she could never stay mad at him. She was in too deep, he already had her wrapped around his finger.

[Y/N] smiled, "Your treat?"

"What'd ya take me for? Only the best for the best; and you baby, are the best," Benny gave her a quick peck on lips. "Now let's get out of here."

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