[Fo4] Piper Wright x Sole Survivor

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Summary: The Sole Survivor and Piper are out on a typical run in the Commonwealth when she spots a perfectly preserved pie.

Credit: The beautiful artwork above is by sabotensan on Tumblr.


Sole Survivor's POV
It was just your average day in the Commonwealth, and by average I mean we took down the occasional raider gang and pack of super mutants. Piper and I were making our way to Diamond City to sell our loot and settle down for the evening. We'd been holding a conversation along the way, something about a new article in her newspaper, when suddenly all falls silent. I turn to look for her and notice she is longer by my side.

It didn't take me too long to find Piper a little ways down the road staring aimlessly at a Port-A-Diner with her hands lying flat against the glass. "Piper?" I ask. "What're you doing?" Startled, Piper turns around with a sheepish look on her face. She must've been pretty deep in thought to not have heard my footsteps behind her. I avert my attention to the Port-A-Diner behind her and notice a single, perfectly preserved pie. I couldn't help but grin at the mere sight of the delicious desert. She must be starving after all the action today.

I pull Piper to the side and push the button on the machine. A metal claw hovers above the pie and gently grabs the porcelain dish it sits upon. The claw gradually brings the dish to the slot and dispenses it upon my pleasure. Satisfied, I grab the dish and present it to Piper. "Wow. Thanks Blue!" She takes the pie and precedes to gobble it down as we return our descent towards Diamond City.

A/N: This cute chapter was inspired by Daria's (sabotensan) adorable fanart. Thanks again for letting me use your art in this chapter! Make sure to follow her on Tumblr (link above)!

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