[Fo4] Hancock x F!Child of Atom x Nate

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Summary: Hancock takes in a young woman raised by the Children of Atom and she just so happens to catch the eye of a certain vault dweller.

Third-Person POV
It had been a typical day in Goodneighbor when Nate decided to drop by and visit his favorite ghoul. He hadn't searched for long as he rounded a corner and spotted him just outside of The Third Rail. Hancock leaned against the brickwork, cigarette hanging out the side of his mouth, and gaze focused dead ahead. Nate followed his gaze to a young woman who looked up to the sky in anticipation as thunder began to rumble in the sky.

"What's the story with her, Hancock?" asked Nate as he stared onwards at the young woman basking in the rain of a radiation storm.

"The usual. Raised by Children of Atom, immunity to radiation, you know." answered the ghoul mayor.

"Get real, Hancock. By no means is that usual. Sure is pretty though for a Child of Atom." Nate's gaze never once left the young woman dancing among the the streets of Goodneighbor.

"Don't be getting any crazy ideas now. I won't have you getting her killed." Hancock shot a glare at the vault-suited man.

"Sounds to me like you're jealous." Nate chuckled.

The ghoul mayor's glare intensified. "She's one of a kind and she's under my care. You saw what happened to Finn. Don't want to upset your good ol' mayor do ya?" Nate visibly shivered in fear. "Fair point."

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