[Fo4] Paladin Danse x Sole Survivor

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Prince Charming

Summary: After the battle at the Cambridge Police Station, the Sole Survivor and Paladin Danse make their way to ArcJet Systems to retrieve a deep range transmitter.

Sole Survivor's POV
When I'd overheard the distress signal coming from the old Cambridge Police Station I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I'd thought it was the typical settlement in distress who needed a helping hand. I arrived at the police station just in the nick of time and helped take out each and every last ghoul. "We appreciate the assistance, civilian. But what's your business here?" A man wearing a suit power armor approaches me. He looks intimidating yet strikingly handsome.

"Just thought I'd drop by after hearing that distress signal. Thought I'd save the dame if you will?" I smirk and by the expression on his face I can tell he's not amused. "Right. Who're you? Are you from a nearby settlement?" He asks. He seems awfully suspicious, which tells me I better play my cards right. "I'm from Vault 111 just over by Sanctuary Hills."

His eyes widen as he's taken aback from answer. Something tells me he doesn't know many of my kind. "You're a Vault Dweller? That's pretty commendable for you to admit such a thing. I appreciate it. Sorry if I may seem suspicious. We've been under constant fire since our arrival so I've been forced to take extra precautions. We could always use a extra gun by our side if you are willing." I think I'm starting to like where this is going. I should probably gather more information before I start decision making. "I'd be happy to help as long I can get some more intel." He grins politely and seems to become more relaxed.

"Fair enough. I'm Paladin Danse, Brotherhood of Steel. Surely you've heard of us?" Brotherhood of Steel, composed mostly of the descendants of those with high-ranking military experience. They're quite impressive. "Yes, actually I have. Big fan, respectable organization." Danse smiles. "I'm glad you see it that way." I reload my pistol as he begins to make his way into the station. "Alright, Charming. What's the first order of business?" I could've sworn his cheeks flushed red for a moment there but it could just be the chems messing with me. "Charming? Nevermind. I'm going to introduce you to Scribe Haylen and Knight Rhys. We'll discuss our mission inside."

A/N: This chapter was requested by OpalPrime.

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