[Fo4] Synth!Shaun x Nat Wright

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Young at Heart

Summary: The Sole Survivor brings Shaun to Diamond City where he is finally introduced to Piper's sister, Nat Wright.

Shaun's POV
I couldn't believe it! We were finally in Diamond City! I was so excited to finally leave home for awhile. Don't get me wrong it is nice there, but it's also pretty awesome being able to explore the Commonwealth more. There's just so much to see and plenty of useful parts lying around for me to use. I ran to Piper's side as soon as I saw her standing outside Publick Occurrences. She has her own newspaper that she distributes to keep citizens well-informed about the Commonwealth. Maybe someday I'll be able to have my own interview with her. How cool would that be?

"Don't worry about it, Blue. I'll take it from here. Come on, Shaun." Piper punches my arm playfully and leads me inside.

Her house is pretty cozy. There's plenty of room to relax and take a break from the outside world. "So, what do you think kiddo?" Piper turns with a wide grin on her face.

"I like it here." I answer honestly.

She chuckles and turns back around. "Hey Nat! We have a guest here!"

A cute, young girl with short brown hair and matching eyes enters the living space with a smile that matches her sister's.

"Shaun, this is my sister Nat. Nat, this is Shaun." Piper introduces us as Nat walks closer with curiosity visible in her eyes.

"How do you feel about the press?" She asks.

A/N: Cute idea I had for awhile. There's a line of dialogue where Shaun says he would like to meet Piper's sister so I knew I just had to write a chapter about it.

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