[Fo4] Brian Virgil x Institute Scientist

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The Only Cure

Summary: After the Institute's brutal annihilation, one scientist manages to escape and make their way to help their past colleague in the Glowing Sea.

Institute Scientist's POV
I couldn't believe it. I'd replayed the events that transpired within the last week and I still couldn't believe it. It was all just so surreal that it couldn't possibly be real, right? Wrong. I'd been trying to convince myself this was all just some sick nightmare ever since I managed to safely escape the Institute. Father's own flesh and blood was the cause behind the Institute's downfall. They were pulling strings in the background. I should've known better than to trust them after the stunt they pulled at Bunker Hill, but Father was adamant they could be trusted. Now he's dead. They're all dead because of one simple mistake. I'm all that's left. I slump down against an old, metal shed while clenching a small vial in my right hand. This was the cure Virgil needed.

He and I worked together in the Bioscience division before he fled to the Glowing Sea. I'd just recently managed to make contact with him and all I could do was pray he was still alive. I knew venturing out into the Glowing Sea was a death wish but I had to find Virgil. He's all I have left in this cruel world. I sifted through the rubble of a few nearby houses and buildings and managed to find enough RadAway to get me through my journey. I reloaded my pistol and began my descent into the treacherous Glowing Sea.

By the time I reached Virgil's hideout I was beyond worse for wear. My lab coat was riddled with holes and blood stains and my forehead was layered with a thick coat of sweat and dirt. I'd managed to sneak past a Deathclaw only to get chased by a swarm of Radscorpians until I came across a friendly, yet strange group of people who led me in the right direction.

Cautiously, I entered the cave to be greeted by the sight of two throughly-placed turrets guarding the entrance. "H-hello? Virgil?" I call out as I make my way further into the rocky cave. "Who's there?" A deep voice answers and as I edge further into the opening I'm greeted by a tall, peculiar-looking super mutant. "Virgil?" I ask. "No way! It's you it really is you! I never thought I'd see you again." He cheers. "Please take a seat, you must be exhausted." I plop down in a nearby chair and let out a heavy sigh as I realize I'll have to relive the tragedy the Institute endured. "Virgil, I really am happy to see you again but there's something I have to tell you." He looks at me expectantly and gives me his full attention. "The Institute is gone. Everyone's gone." Tears threatened to fall as I finally came to the realization that they really are gone. "What? This is terrible. I'm..." He sighs. "I'm so sorry. I'm... at a loss for words."

I wipe away my tears and reach into my pocket for the vial containing the serum. "H-here," I croak. "It's the serum you needed." I hold it out to him, his eyes transfixed in both pure melancholy and disbelief. Virgil reaches out and collects the vial from my trembling form. "Thank you..." He whispers. "Listen, I really appreciate you going through all the trouble to deliver this. You have my gratitude." Virgil gives me a gentle smile and I smile in return. "Why don't you and I leave this place together? I mean, you no longer have a reason to hide anymore and you won't have to be alone." I suggest, hope welling up inside of me that he would accept my request. Virgil's grin widens in response.

"I'd like that."

A/N: Personally, I kinda wish Virgil had more involvement in the plot of Fallout 4. He's an interesting character with a lot of potential.

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