Chapter 66: Bottled Up

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Dylan Xander's POV

The day after I had put Surge where he belongs, I got back to my daily routine.

Working at the lab, patrolling the streets as Pursuit and keeping tabs on everyone in U.A.

I found that making myself preoccupied at all times distracted me from all my rage and hatred toward Surge.

Kana tells me, he hasn't stopped singing to himself, screaming and putting on quite a show for the cameras.

I guess he became more of an attention seeker over the years...

While going through the motions of my day job, writing reports and going through DNA analysis, along with a mineral analysis I found myself staring at the clock after every progression of my day.

Time slowly ticked by, taunting me...

Being a Speedster has some downsides, waiting for something to happen is more daunting as my brain's speed accelerates under stress.

It's like being an atom, where all the electrons are continuously build up. Confusing analogy but it's the most accurate one I can give right now.

This sensation gets worse when I feel so split. Like trying to predict chaos theory perfectly. Impossible...

"Dylan" My thoughts were suddenly pulled to the conscious world as I noticed my uncle standing by the desk of the lab.

His brow raised in suspense, he was concerned about me. Surge was weighing on everyone but he knew that it truly came down to my responsibility and decisions.

Taking a sharp breath, I leaned back into my chair. "Hey, John. What's up?" My arms stretched out, finding its place on the back of my head, I was playing it cool.

John shot me a unfazed stare, not shifting from his previous concern. "You sure you're Okay?" My arms dropped as I let out an exasperated sigh.

John raused his hands in defense, gesturing for me to hear him out. "You've barely been home ever since we caught the Futuristic Bastard. I'm worried"

"John, I'm fine"

"Then why do you look like you want to run Surge to a desert and bury him alive?" That bad huh? Can he blame me.

I sat in silence, not taking my eyes away from his. I'm fine, I wish everyone would stop asking me!

Uncle John opened his mouth to speak but my phone buzzed. Taking the chance of escape, I leaned at the screen.

It was an alert...

"I-I gotta go... Riot at a Bank" Standing up, I ran past my Uncle who could only stand still. "Be careful" He said.

"Always am" I need to hit something...


Moments Earlier: 3rd Person

Downtown, not too far from the police precinct stood one of the most heavily guarded banks in the city.

Perhaps the world with Heroes like Endeavor and Hawks not too far away. Along with the police merely three or so blocks away.

Although if anyone were to be honest, what made this bank so dangerous to attack was the city's resident speedster.

Nobody could possibly pull off a heist and get away before Pursuit arrived on the scene.

But none of that matter to a woman as she strutted into the building, shades on with five inch heels. Her luscious locks of dark brunette hair trailed behind her.

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