Chapter 29: Frosty Bridges

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During the week to come after Rien's class had their study session, they would be battling the hardship called end of semester exams. Summer was just around the corner and the heat had elevated drastically in such a short time.

While the class was dealing with a horrific challenge, I to was combating a challenge of Icy proportions.

I was running through the city once again at incredible velocity. I had run from one side of the city to another multiple times in one day. Crime just didn't want to let up for some reason.

The news about Meta-Humans Were getting out and Mr Nagato was planning in holding a press conference on a date not too far away. But that would only be happening when he's back to full health.

He has been helping me with my speed and such. I have gotten faster and we've been on the hint for some nasty Meta-Humans lately.

"Dylan... There's a hold up on a transport for some... priceless items. Its about 6 blocks away" Nagato said through the comms. "On it..."

I raced to the location, under Nagato's directions. As I reached the location, I saw a armored truck, both guards were on their knees with one masked thug holding them at him point.

Along with a tow truck that was hooked to the transport. One individual was...freezing the back of the armored vehicle. When metal is super cooled it can shatter like glass. Another two masked people in the tow truck. I also saw a two one motorbikes. Definitely the carriers for whatever is being stolen.

Six culprits in total...

I'll deal with the closest first. I flashed down the street, knocking both of the bikers off their bike, slamming them against the armored truck. In less then a second, the thug freezing the back of the transport was knocked over. That's when I heard a gunshot. I looked to see a bullet slowly piercing the into the back of the guards. By the time the bullets were mostly travelled through the cops, the tow truck driver and the passenger were thrown out of the vehicle.

I raced down the street to knock into the shooter, they gave a heavy grunt as they tumbled along the warm road. My movements stopped at the guards, my hand reached for the bullet that was almost completely travelled through, pulling it out. The other guard didn't fare to well, as the bullet was lodged inside. "Guys! Call the nearest Hospital, tell them that they're getting two new patients" I said to my friends. "On it!" Nagato said.

I grabbed both guards and flashed away, faster then the speed of sound. As I left, I saw an individual that was freezing the truck remove his mask, he focused on my movements but I had to let them go to save the officers that were with me.


I walked towards the transport in my casual formal attire for work. My Uncle was already casing the joint with his partner, as the Chief was overseeing the crime scene. "Hey, Xander... Late as usual" Tsukauchi joked as I walked past. "Oh, Ha. Ha..." I replied with general sarcasm.

"Dylan... People said Pursuit saved two officers... Nice going" John whispered as I took the praise the chief walked up to us. "Xander, nice of you to join us. Have any solid evidence? Reports say there were four culprits"

"Six culprits..." I corrected almost too fast, "Uh... One driver, two bikers, a passenger to guard the driver. One shot two guards..." I took one look at the armored truck, "Somebody used a Cryo Substance to freeze the back of the truck" I covered quickly, then held up six fingers, "Six bad guys..."

The chief nodded and walked away, "Keep up the work"

"The way you can multitask is amazing... But, you better get better at it because..." John gestured to his partner, "Human lie detector" He whispered as we got back to work. "Anyway... Anything else you saw?" John asked discretely. I leaned close for a whisper, "The guy that froze the transport... I saw his face" John grinned when I said that. "Good job, Dyl"

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