Chapter 71: Consequences

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Dylan Xander's POV

This sight is becoming too much of a recurrence, my Uncle laying unconscious in a Hospital Bed.

My ears caught the rhythmic pattern of the obnoxious beep from the machine, the burning scent of strong chemicals.

Through the noise was the voices from the radio that was placed beside his bed. The hosts hadn't stopped speaking about my actions last night.

Three cracked ribs... Broken arm... Serious Concussion... Dislocated Shoulder...

My hands trembled at the memory, how I did this to John. How I enjoyed it.

"Shit" I fell forward, my head resting on the edge of the mattress as I held back a heavy sensation in my eyes.

I knew everyone was keeping a close eye on me, Kana was avoiding me entirely. Suppose, she's scared I'll lash out about Surge.

To be honest, he's the least of my concerns...

"-I'm just saying, shouldn't the police and Pro-Heroes do everything they can to bring Pursuit In? He attacked U.A, kids..." The radio host posed a pretty viable argument, I agreed with him.

It's my fault...

"Sure, he attacked U.A and caused quite a mess but why? Why would he suddenly cause such chaos after months of protecting the people of this city, hell even all of Japan" The female talk show host wondered.

My grip on the metal railing of the bed tightened, so much so that a spark of lightning flickered free along my arm.

There was soon a knock at the door behind me, I expected somebody from the team but after Kana's initial check up she thought it'd be best to bring him to a hospital.

Last night was utter hell, I waited while he was in surgery. John's heart stopped halfway through the procedure.

"Dylan?" My ears perked up as I recognised Dr Gwenzel, she stood by the door with an emotional expression.

It was sympathetic... Something I didn't deserve. She stepped further into the room where I sat, her hand gripping my shoulder in an attempt to comfort me.

"John's stable, he pulled through... You don't need to worry" I do though, I did that.

I remember everything I did, it was like my conscious was turned off and every passing thought, whether it was violent, destructive or negative, it came out in full force.

"You should go home, I'll keep an eye on him" My gaze lowered to my feet, my hands fiddled with themselves. "Dylan, don't worry. I'm sure they'll catch Pursuit for what he did" My fingers curled up, becoming rigged as I exhaled a thin breath.

Slowly standing, my eyes not leaving my Uncle, I listened to the radio for the remaining moments I was in the room.

One thing stuck with me...

They said I was Dangerous and I agreed with them.


Running through the streets, it was obvious my presence brought an ominous blanket. Everywhere my lightning followed, now pure golden yellow, people stumble in panic.

Everyone was looking behind them or around for the Heroes on patrol. All it took was one screw up.

Entering the Precinct, I slowly wattled across the main foyer, gaze hung low and people noticed. Most probably believed I was worrying about John.

Unaware of the added anxiety and depression that was bubbling from within. "Xander" My named was called from my Uncle's partner, his eyes glancing me over before speaking. "All Might called me and asked if you were able to hand the files Aizawa requested over? In other words, I need them"

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