Chapter 48: Not From Around Here

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Sorry for the long wait... Crossovers are generally harder to write...

Dylan's POV

This is so bizarre, I was running and apparently breached the dimensional barrier between the fabric of space and time.

Like, who does that?!

I know for a fact I wasn't moving beyond light speed. Then again, I've never passed light speed yet I've been able to jump through time and now space.

It makes no sense...

"So, Dylan? Was that your name?" I was seated on a swivel chair in a cortex of another lab. This place is called STAR Labs.

I nodded, slowly taking a sip of water from the woman I believe was Caitlin. The other Speedster, Barry leaned on the desk. His appearance was freaking me out.

He looked so familiar...

The man with long curly hair leaned forward on the desk as well, scanning over me. "Am I the only one that thinks this guy looks a lot like Barry?"

"Barry? Did you break the timeline again?" Caitlin kinda accused which the Speedster raised his hands in defense, "N-No... I mean come on. I learned my lesson"

Geez...How many times has that happened...

As the three began to bicker, I leaned on the desk beside me. My elbow on the surface while it held my head up.

They were so similar to Kana, Evan and myself. Like scary similar. "Um..." I released a high pitched, uncertain sound. This caused the three to stare at me once more. "Speedster who has no idea what's happening, sitting right here"

Barry sighed, "Caitlin, can you run every test just to be Sure?" Caitlin nodded and wandered into her medbay.

"You want something to change into?" Cisco offered. I looked down to see my super suit. "Uh... I think that would be wise"


I was seated on a bed in the medical bay. Caitlin was sitting at her desk, looking over my results.

"It seems you're telling the truth about being a Speedster. The Speedforce is clearly in your system"

Speedforce... Denki called my powers that and I still have no idea what that is.

"Excuse me. Could you explain what the Speedforce is? I've heard it in passing but never quite understood what it was"

"It's the source of our power" My eyes snapped to Barry, he was leaning on the doorway. Arms crossed in observation.

"The Speedforce is a dimension of infinite space, time and energy. A sentient being that gives us our powers" He explained.

"So, the reason I can run through time and space is..."

"The Speedforce. Oh and you might wanna avoid time travel. Bad things happen when you do"

Caitlin spun on her swivel chair, "You mean like Flashpoint?" Her tone was a little harsh and Barry averted his gaze.

Is she Okay? She did a full 180 with her personality. "Caitlin, are you Okay?" She sighed and frowned at herself. "Yeah, it's just Frost"

He nodded in understanding as I sat there unsure what to do.

"Anyway, how did you get your powers? And how did you get here?" Barry changed the subject. I leaned back, exhaling. It's been so long already. I woke up around 6ish months ago.

"Particle Accelerator Explosion, I was in the lab. My Dad was working that night. I was hanging out with my best friend when a wave of dark matter erupted from the building"

Running... (BNHA x The Flash Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now