Chapter 33: Keeping Busy

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This Chapter is more a filler Chapter... A set up for what's to come... Don't worry, Dylan still has some adventure in this chapter... If you want a quick Summary of it... It will be at the end of the chapter... But I would recommend reading the last part... Has some important details...

Rien ran around the house, she was shoving clothes into a suitcase, screaming bloody murder about being late, while I leaned on the door frame, slurping my coffee, trying not to laugh at her. "Maybe if you packed last night like I told you, instead of Making out with your boyfriend, this would be done" I said with a smug grin and confident posture. 

"Shut up, Dylan! I don't need your words of intellect!" She ran out of the room, "I need my toothbrush! And my normal brush! Oh! Can't forget my hair straightener!" I saw John walk down the hallway with his casual attire on because it was our day off. "You mind?..." He made a whooshing sound before giving me a pleading look. With sigh because my fun had been ruined, I nodded. 

Letting go of my coffee mug, I raced around her room and packed her clothes, neatly into the suitcase and fixed up her room a bit. I returned to my previous spot and caught my mug, taking a sip, peering at John with a smirk. 

He gave a stifled chuckle as walked away...

Rien came running back in but froze with shock. I raised my mug to her and started walking away. "Thank you, Dylan! My hero!" She launched herself at me from behind, I barely stopped any spillage from my coffee as she hugged me. "Get off, Gremlin!" I protested but she ignored me. 


Because Izuku stayed the night, making sure to sleep on the pull out couch because my Uncle knows Teenage boys even though he should be more worried about what Rien would do instead, he was being driven to U.A by John along with Rien. 

As they drove away, I waved from the door, once I closed it. I raced around the house, cleaning it up a bit. Completing all my chores and Rien's because she is a little hopeless. Once I was done, I went on patrol. 

As I ran towards Haven Labs, I decided to pull a sneaky. I ran down the streets, following the route that John would've taken. I watched Izuku's shocked and in awe face, Rien's fangirling and disbelieving expression as I passed by. The funniest was John, who jumped in fright as I passed while moving just under Mach 1. 

Once I passed, I kicked up the speed, blasting away at Mach 1.9... Ever since Nagato figured out my speed when I travelled through time, I've been hesitant to go faster that Mach 2...


The day passed quickly until it was nightfall... Ryan woke up from his mini coma. He was in shock and scared out of his mind before he saw me. We situated him in the cortex, while Kana ran some tests. I had my mask on, we weren't completely sure of his trustworthiness. 

"What's up with him?" I wondered from the observation room, where Kan ran tests. "Mr Kiho, has some extreme ionising properties in his cells... He could easily level half of Japan if he blew up..." Nagato glanced at me with a smirk as I remembered the explosion that levelled the city in that alternate day that I lived in. 

"Yeah... Lucky, I brought him in" I played it off like nothing. Nagato scratched his beard as he leaned forward. Observing the screen through his glasses. "How's recovery?" I asked while I sat down. "Its good... Kana says I should be good to go in about a week or two... How's my Daughter?" 

I bite my lip, taking a moment to think, "Still an airhead..." I laughed a bit before recomposing with a grin, "Yeah... She's good... Happy... She has a relationship... Friends..." I trailed off before focusing on Ryan. "You miss it..." I hummed in question. 

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