Chapter 31: Promised Well Kept

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I sat in the lab at the Precinct, writing down various files that had something to do with Surge. The last few leads have come up blank. I've run the piece of his face that I saw through the facial recognition, but there was nothing. It's like this guy doesn't even exist. 

There is only one way somebody could move like me and probably know about me. They would have to of had a chemical exposure, mixed with some form of high voltage, which combined with Dark Matter, that would make them a Speedster like me. But there were no registered accounts of lightning strike victims or electrical matters who have blonde hair and yellow like eyes, but that could of been his speed. My eyes flicker with lightning but then again, he has white lightning. 

That's a good question... Why is his lightning so different from mine?... I have golden yellow, but his is different. That could be his speed difference, but that can't be possible, I'm close to his speed, if not a little faster now. My lightning has changed but only gotten more defined and dense with intensity. 

As I continued to brain storm the possibilities, but my phone began to ring. "Hey, Extra..." Bakugou... "Hi?... What's up?" I wondered over the phone. "Ugh... The fucking extras are asking me to nag you about hanging out... We had our last fucking exam today and judging by these extras, they totally fucking failed" He sounded smug and victorious. 

I spun in the desk chair with a smirk, "How did Rien do?" He scoffed, "That extra passed... She had the practical with me and her fucking boyfriend... We were up against All Might"

"Okay... Cool... Where do you want to meet up? I could use a break from this agony called work" I stretched in between words. "Meet us by U.A. Don't be fucking late, asshole" He warned. "Okay... Whatever, Blasty!" I caught him scream into the phone before I hung up.

With my speed, I packed my files up and put them in my bag. "Hey, Mr Fable... I'm headed out. anything you need before I go?" I asked politely, "No... I'm good. Good Evening, Xander" I nodded and replied with an a goodbye before walking out of the lab and flashing away in an empty hallway where cameras don't see.


I arrived at U.A in record time, I dealt with a grand theft auto on the way but that isn't important. As I walked up to the group, where Rien wasn't present, I saw the deflated positions that the group was in. Everyone except Bakugou. "I was expecting a cheery greeting... But looks like that isn't happening" I said with a bit of snark. 

"Hey, Smartass..." Bakugou greeted, I shrugged, "At least I got something"

" Bakugou greeted, I shrugged, "At least I got something"

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"Hey, Xander... How was your day?" Kirishima wondered with a defeated stare, "Um... Boring, seemingly endless and like hitting a brick wall on leads" I said truthfully. "How so?..." 

"Uh... Bad guy... Running amok around the city" I vaguely explained with shrug. "Alright... Let's fucking go already! I'm starving!" Bakugou growled with a straight scowl. "O-kay..." We started walking through the streets of the city, moving towards a restaurant. "So, how did Rien do?" I asked and Kaminari sighed, "Rich girl has spunk..." He said with a grin. 

He forgot about failing quickly...

"They fought All Might... Rien and Midoriya were pretty electric if you ask me... Bakugou was primarily destructive and played more of a villain if anything else" Oh Kaminari... This is where you stop talking before Bakugou turns you into ash. "AT LEAST I PASSED THE EXAM!!! YOU NO GOOD FUCKING DUNCEFACE!!!" Bakugou barked with hateful eyes and grinding teeth. 

"Somebody is snappy" I muttered in English. "Shuddup! Nerd!" He retorted in fluent English. I was impressed, you couldn't mistake him for anyone that lived in Japan their whole life with perfect translations like that. "Oh... Have I found the third person I can converse in English with in Japan?" I said with a impressed grin. 

"Looks like it" His ruby orbs gleamed with pride. 

"Oh... Don't get me started on the written exam... Lucky I had a Brainiac like you and intelligent girl like Yaoyorozu for studying... Actually, that's a good nickname for you... Dylan! You're now Brainiac!" Kaminari declared. 

I chuckled to myself silently...

Continuing the walk, we finally stepped inside of the establishment as a table for 6, we all had our menus in hand while we ordered. Bakugou sat next to me and Kaminari on the other side, my bag was hung on the back of the chair. 

"So, anything new on the reports of these new people with powers emerging?" Mina wondered with a quirked smile, "Only that the information is confidential and most of them are evil" I said without any struggle. "Awe come on! Just a little info... Please?!" She begged. That's when I felt a hand rummage through my bag from my left. I looked back to see Bakugou freely grabbing a file. 

With quick reflexes I grabbed his wrist roughly. Almost too fast in my eyes. "Relax, Dumbass... I won't show these assholes" 

"Bakugou... Put it back" His eyes were about to challenge but then he saw my eyes. I wasn't kidding. His eyes flicked down to the file then at me, his stare grew distant when he saw something on the file. He let it go and shoved my hand away. His eyes glared at the table from there on. 

Bakugou didn't really converse, not even the casual snarky comment or anything. After a night with friends my own age, we all finally decided to go home. As we all walked our separate directions, someone firmly gripped my wrist. I turned to see Bakugou scowling in my direction. 

"Hey, Bakugou... What's u-"

"Don't fucking hey me..." He was seething and glaring. Like he wanted to accuse me of something but was hesitating. Why the hell was he hesitating. "That file... I saw the glimpse of it..." He said quietly. 

"Its a file of that fucking psycho! Why do you have a police file with that fucker in it!?" What was his assuming. "That white Speedster... Are you... Are you two?..." I quirked an eyebrow up at his half finished sentence. He sighed in complete utter frustration. "Bakugou... If you think I'm in league with that guy then you're wrong..." 

"Then why do you have that file?... I doubt they let part timers take their files from the Precinct..." He's smart, that is trouble... I averted my gaze... What do I tell him? I can't tell him that I'm Pursuit... "Bakugou... I can't tell you..." He gritted his teeth in rage, "If I do then... You could be put in danger..." I flinched at my sentence, that is one of the worst things to say. 

"Me? In danger!? I'm in the fucking Hero Course! That will be my fucking job!" He spat frustratingly. "Damn it, Bakugou! This is serious! If I tell you then..." You could get hurt... You could figure everything out...

"Then what?..."His grip tightened, "Dylan... Tell me... Now..." He wasn't screaming or yelling, he was quiet and that is when he's on the edge. Should I lie? That could ruin our trust and friendship. "You know that Speedster? The red one?..." I started with my eyes on the ground. 

"Pursuit..." He corrected... I nodded, "Well, he is hunting the Platinum Speedster and I'm..." 

"Helping the bastard..." I froze, I was about to say I was him... Maybe... I don't know anymore. "Yeah?..." My voice went high pitched as I answered. "Don't bother asking who he is... I promised I would keep that a secret" I dismissed before anything could be asked. 

Bakugou released me and huff a breath of frustration as he averted his gaze, "Look... I'm fucking sorry for screaming or whatever... Okay?" His teeth grinded the inside of his cheek, "Yeah... No harm done"

"Goodnight then?" I wondered with my hand tightening on the bag strap. "Before you go find something to get busy over because you're a fucking workaholic.." Before I could dispute, he interrupted. "I want to have words with that Fucking Speedster..." 

"I don't know if that's a good idea..." His eyes gleamed with this inner, extremely deep pain that I've never seen before, "B-But... I-I see what I" He nodded and started walking away with his hand stuff in his pockets as he wandered home. Before he turned back I was gone. 

Practically five blocks away, moving at Super Speed...

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