Chapter 38: Reunion

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(Katsuki Bakugou's POV)

Those assholes save us... The Speedster, Pursuit, he came for us... As soon as I had he chance, I FUCKING grabbed Vibrator and blasted out of that death ring.

Shitty Hair caught me and once we landed in the calm streets of where ever the fuck we were, I finally decided to get some damn answers.

"Oi! Why the fuck did you Extras come and help me! I was fine, Damn it!" I grabbed Shitty Hair's collar of whatever the fuck he was wearing. My eyes glared into his nervously grinning ones.

"Dude, relax! When you guys were taken, Xander, Todoroki and I decided to come for you. Midoriya was the first on board" I looked back to see Rien and fucking Deku. She was shaken, almost frozen from something.

Deku hugged her tightly, muttering disgusting feelsy crap in her ear. "Where the fuck is that Dumbass and Icyhot!" I barked.

That fucker went silent, his frown evident. "We-We don't know where Xander is..." My grip tightened on his shirt. "What did you say?..." I seethed in a quiet tone. "Bakugou... Xander was lost in the explos-"


"Kacchan! Stop!" Fucking Deku, he shitty hand grabbed my arm to hold me back. I pushed him away, "You... You let him tag along! I'll fucking kill you!" I grabbed Deku, I was losing it...

Damn it, why do I feel so useless!? Why! How is this happening!? That Pursuit better save him or else!

"Bakugou... Calm down" Shitty Hair got in my face. I took a sharp breath through my clenched teeth. "If he's hurt or dead..." My palms smoked drastically, "I'll fucking end you..." I walked away from them. Towards the crowds.

Dylan... Don't die on me, Bastard...

We made it to a crowd where a massive fucking screen showed the battle with All Might and that fuck with the mask. Where the hell is Pursuit!?

Two reports flooded in, a recording of two streaks of lightning chasing each other through the city... They must be playing recent footage...

While standing in the crowd, Deku refused to move away from Vibrator and Shitty Hair was getting close to me. I shook him away, he was getting on my nerves.

The screen showed the red speedster himself appear and All Might... H-He... I... He's power... That form... All Might... I'm the reason...

He's lost his power...

Pursuit used his speed to fight, the battle was in a building where I saw Pursuit retreat like a coward... But... C-Can I blame him?... I'm no fucking better...

That's when there was a flash of golden yellow lightning and an explosion that could be felt from my very position, sending chills up my spine.

He shared a few words with All Might... My eyes observed All Might, he was broken... I broke him... Fuck... Fuck it all...

Pursuit disappeared...

The crowds cheered in complete astound. So many emotions roared throughout the street. All while my eyes fell to the ground...

"G-Guys!" My head snapped up at the sound as my ear perked. "D-Dylan!" Vibrator's voice ran hoarse as I saw her run for someone.

Him... Dylan...

She leaped for him, a massive hug that lasted for a minute. His eyebrow had a deep cut in it but he seemed fine... He fucking better be...

They separated, the two whispered somethings that nobody heard. It ended with Dylan nodding and patting Rien's shoulder. She took a breath and nodded.

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