Damage Report: Camino Ward

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Date: 14th of August
Time: 6:24pm-9:38pm
Location of Incident: Camino Ward, Japan

Destruction ranges from multiple city blocks reduced to ruins, various points of glass shattered throughout the ward, a bar located at League of Villains prior hideout before a raid conducted by the Pro-Heroes and Law Enforcement took place received severe structural damage along with the surrounding street...

Individuals Involved:
Known Heroes Of Significance:
All Might (Toshinori Yagi)
Endeavor(Enji Todoroki)
Best Jeanist(Tsunagu Hakamada)
Gang Orca(Kugo Satamata)
Kamui Woods(Shinji Nishiya)
Mt Lady(Yu Takeyama)

Known Villains:
All For One(N/A)
Tomura Shigaraki
Twice(Jin Babaigawara)
Himiko Toga
Mr Compress(Atsuhiro Sako)
Spinner(Shuichi Iguchi)

People of Interest:

Victims: Kidnapped
Katsuki Bakugou(Alive)
Rien Nagato(Alive)

Witness Claims:
Aito Yen: "I saw two streaks of Lightning racing around the city, both of them ran up and down the sides of buildings. Even over the blades of a helicopter. This battle moved from the West, the last I saw they were headed East"
Katso Binar: "I was about to be crushed by a car with my girlfriend but one moment I was there, the next I was on the other side of the street with (Name Redacted"
Katsuki Bakugou: "The Speedsters ran around the F****** Crater a few times before disappearing. Pursuit showed up without that other B******"
Rien Nagato: "Surge kept talking about Pursuit... Like they'd known each other for years. He kept say how he was goning to ruin his life"
Izuku Midoriya: "I saw what everyone saw... But Pursuit is the reason we could save Kacchan and Rien"
Dylan Xander: "I wasn't there for most of it... But when the initial explosion erupted, Pursuit saved my friends and myself. Along with Rien and Bakugou"
Detective Parkinson: "Surge... He had me hanging from the side of a building... He didn't say much only the usual evil bad guy things before dropping me off the building, only to be rescued by All Might... Surge was many times faster than All Might"

Series of Events:
On the training camp for the first year students of Class 1-A and 1-B who attend U.A, the camp was infiltrated by Villains, the primary danger being 'Surgebolt' and unknown Speedster and individual affected by the particle accelerator that blew months prior.

Days later, law enforcement and pro-heroes planned a mission to save the two students who were kidnapped, 'Katsuki Bakugou and Rien Nagato' from the villain's clutches. Through interrogation and questioning, the villains were attempting to turn Bakugou into a Villain but remained unsuccessful. 

The heroes and police attacked the bar where the villains were hiding but were unsuccessful because of the involvement of Surgebolt and All For One, both clearly formitable foes

The villains relocated themselves via warping but Surge who took Katsuki Bakugou and Rien Nagato to the centre of the explosion caused by All For One.

All Might engaged with All For One while Surge and the other villains attacked the kidnapped students.

Pursuit showed up... Commencing a fight and race throughout the Ward. No external injured from the race, only property damage.

Surge disappeared from the conflict as Pursuit joined the fray with All For One and his league. With the combined efforts of I.A students, Pursuit and one forensic scientist of the police, they were able to get the trapped students away.

Pursuit continued to battle All For One, eventually moving All Might away because of his loss of power.

The Scarlet Speedster engaged with All For One, taking control of the fight with his superior speeds. Top speed unknown.

Pursuit ended the battle with one final attack that shattered three quarters of All For One's bone structure. Thanks to the villains bone structure and integrity, he was left alive...

Property Damage:
Millions in Structural Damage
- The reduction in costs is thanks to Pursuit who kept the battle within the limits of the inner ward.
- The damage resides around the structure of buildings and mundane objects.
- There have also been sightings of markings along the streets, further investigation provides evidence of friction burns...
Power Outages were reported aroujd Camino, this is a potential side effect from the battle the two Speedster had from the electric current they have been noted to release...

Estimated to be 326 Dead
Estimated to be 127 Injured

Final Conclusion:
The battle could've gone more than one way but what evident is the participation of the Vigilante, Pursuit... The estimated Casualties that was calculated to be around 3400 plus individuals was dropped from Pursuit's involvement.
The event has shaken the nation from All Might's retirement but people seem to be hopeful... Even though All Might is no more and even with the Hero Association leading the political charge to not trust the work of Vigilantes...
The public has seemed to be put at rest because Japan has a new guardian... Pursuit's case will be brought up further by the official government parties and addressed thoroughly...

Alternate Claims are located in

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