Chapter 34: Capping Stone

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(Katsuki Bakugou's POV)

This night couldn't get any worse...

I'm in a fucking forest! Walking on a dark trail! With FUCKING ICYHOT!! The most annoying of the extras in my stupid fucking class! He's almost as bad as fucking Deku! We wandered down the trail, my mind going to that conversation with Dylan last night.

I can't believe I almost told him... What I've wanted to say to him for months now and I've been too much of a pussy to try! God! Just ask and get rejected! Not that fucking hard! "Bakugou... Are you alright? You're quieter than usual?" Half N Half wondered with his dopey expression and monotone voice. My eyes flicked to his direction with my impervious scowl.

"I'm fucking fine... Just thinking... Need something to keep me occupied for HOW BORING THIS IS!!!" that's right, those Class 1-B fuckers are trying to scare us! Bullshit, nothing has worked... "That is the only reason... Got that, Icyhot?" I glared in the extra's direction and he looked forward, unfazed. 

God I want to roast this damn bastard...

That's when we noticed something in the ground, on closer inspection there was a man, he was crouched down, hungrily groaning over whatever was there. My eyes were able to catch a glimpse... It was a fucking amputated hand...

"Flesh... Beautiful Flesh... Must have a taste... No... Must get to work" He slowly stood up, revealing his constricted body. As he turned, I noticed the fucked up maul on his face, the only thing showing was that. "Who that fuck was in front of us?" I asked with a twitching hand. 

"Shoji and Tokoyami" Icyhot informed. 

That's when we got the message. "To everyone in class A and B! The camp is under attack! You must get back to the HQ as quick as possible... You are authorised to use your quirks to fight back by Mr Aizawa! Use your training and stay alive!" 

I sadistically smirked with sparking hands, this extra is fucking toast!...

That's when I saw it... A glimpse at least... It was white and fast...

That Surge fucker...

I was preparing for a fight with the two of them, but that Speedster just passed us without a second thought, knocking Icyhot and me on our asses. "What was that?" Icyhot stood up with a defensive position. "Doesn't fucking matter... Let's kill this asshole and roast the next!" 

(3rd Person)

It was time...

Time for the plan to come into play...

Surge raced through the forest at super sonic speeds, zooming through like a white lightning bolt. He could kill every single person he crossed but there was one thing he had to ensure... He couldn't change the past too much, only influence it just enough to get what he wants.

He passed one of the Targets, probably the most important target, Katsuki Bakugou. Not because he's a candidate for the League, Surge couldn't care less. He's lived it already, the world just has to have less faith in heroes than before.

Pursuit needs to have the faith of the public, so he can become faster...

Surge ran through the forest, arriving at the middle point between the trail where the game was being held to the main building. He ran between Magne, who had recently healed from Surge's previous onslaught and Tiger, another Transgender Male. He quickly grabbed Tiger's arm, moving aside as Surge gave a quick punch to the Pro-Heroes jaw. 

As the hero recoiled, Surge ran to the other Pussycat, Mandalay, quickly throwing her off balance with his speed. Once that was done, he stopped his movements to give himself a grand entrance. There were still kids who were running away with terror in their eyes. 

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