Chapter 3: Meta-Human

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After I got situated in the house, my room was, for the most part, finished and apparently Rien has been staying with my Uncle. He took her in, while her father is in a coma. The night flew by and I had been waiting to do something all day.

"Goodnight, Dylan..." I heard my Uncle say, "Uh... Goodnight, Uncle John" I replied. "Love you kid...", "Love you too..."

I walked into my room and closed the door. I opened the computer that I set up, the laptop that I had programmed with various code opened. I connected to the network and opened my emails. Since I didn't have my old phone with me, I couldn't call anyone. So, I emailed Evan.

'Hey, it's Dylan. If you're at the lab still. I need to show you and Kana something. We need to keep this between the 3 of us, for now.'

I received a reply pretty quickly.

'Sure... Kana and I are still at the lab. When will you be here?'

I closed my laptop and pulled out some clothes to get dressed in. I was in some skinny-legged jeans, classic canvas, white shirt, and a collared jacket. As quickly as possible I got dressed and prepared a dummy in my bed, to make it look like I was sleeping.

My hands moved quickly while I opened the lock on the window and quietly jumped from the second-story window, landing gracefully on the ground.

I walked out onto the road and down the street. I took a breath, trying to call upon the same feeling I had before. When I ran. I took a step forward, the energised feeling in every part of my body was evident as I raced at impossible speeds through the streets.

The parked cars started blaring their alarms when I ran by them. Making them shake violently from the force I exerted from my current velocity.

My body ran through the suburbs and streets, I found it really easy to control like it was second nature. I avoided cars and pedestrians, running all the way to the lab. I used my speed to get inside easily. I saw Kana and Evan talking in the Cortex, something about Star Wars being better than Star Trek.

I slowed down, skidding to a stop. Evan fell out of his swivel chair with a high pitched yelp. Kana jumped and stepped backward. "F-F-Fast..." Evan pointed a shaking finger at me. "Uh... What? H-How?"

Then I smelt something burning, "FIRE!" Kana yelled. I freaked out, grabbing my jacket and throwing it to the ground, screaming in a high pitch. My foot repeatedly stomped on the piece of clothing until it was extinguished. My eyes looked at my friends, they were silent and dumbfounded.

I nervously chuckled, "Uh... I kind of need your help..."


After a long explanation of what was happening, they decided to help me out. I was currently in the medical lab, sitting down, while Kana analysed my blood. "While that does its thing. Why don't we gather some physical evidence?" I heard Evan asked me with a sly smile.

We walked out of the cortex, Evan ran to his lab and came back with a ton of equipment. The 3 of us wandered further into the building, it was the pipeline for the accelerator. The lab was technically quarantined, but we are still allowed to use it...

I think...

"This is the first time I've been in here since... y'know" Evan pointed out. "This was where... Your Dad was found here... H-He's the reason we survived and the Dark Matter-wave was sent up"

I took a breath, blinking away any tears that might have started forming. "Let's go..." I mumbled.

"So... I need you to wear these and I will set up the scanners. Kana will be checking vitals" Evan put two metallic bracelets on my wrists. They blinked blue and were ready. "Oh... Wear this. This will allow us to talk with you. It won't fall off and has built-in systems to sense fluctuation in the vibrations in the air... So, potential sonic booms..." The nerd in front of me explained, he then looked into space. "I just realised how cool that sounds..."

I wandered over to the pipeline. I felt the electricity course through me. I rocketed off, it caused the two behind me to fall back. My body ran through the pipeline, continuous circles were run around the structure. I felt myself speed up. The same yellow, golden lightning started crackling around me, trailing behind me with small sparks. The wind around me was brushing across my face and body, the power I felt was beyond anything I've ever felt before.

"Holy crap... He's racing..."

"How fast is he going, Evan?"

"Between 710-720km/h..."

My body was racing with excitement, the speed was beyond anything I've ever felt.


That threw me off, I tripped over my own foot, tumbling across the floor and into a wall. I felt something in my wrist snap. Kana and Evan ran over to me, I winced as my wrist was bent incorrectly. "Clearly not as graceful..."

The picked me up and took me to the medical wing, near the cortex.


"You had a distal radius fracture..."


"Its healed... In less than three hours"

Kana showed me the data and I was taken aback. I moved my hand and there was no pain. "This has been such a weird day..." I muttered. Evan walked in and clicked the computer. The data was shown on a bigger screen. "It looks like you have been affected by the particle accelerator, just like... a few others..."


"We call them Meta-Humans. People who have been affected by Dark Matter. These people don't have quirks, they are probably superior. You are a perfect example. You just got your powers and you can already outrun All Might. On closer inspection, you entire body has lightning running through it. You cells are saturated with Dark Matter and a powerful electrical current"

I took a deep breath, "So, I have a quirk?"

"Not a quirk, but a superpower. There is a ton of things that I can't recognise with your new abilities, so I think we should continue running tests" I nodded in agreement. "I'll call you Uncle, so he-"

"No... This stays between us... I don't want him to worry. Nobody needs to know"

"What? Why? I think your Uncle and legally the government should know about your abilities" Kana pointed out with a matter of factly tone. I shook my head, "Evan said it wasn't a quirk. Besides, I can't worry my Uncle or Friends more than I already have"

My argument was valid...

"Fine... But you have to do what we say and contribute in every test" Kana bargained. "How about I do that and assist you in finding your more, rough Meta-Humans"

Kana and Evan looked at each other, they had a silent conversation with a simple glance. I saw Evan shrug and Kana shook her head. "Fine... But no dangerous work. You can help with the lab... I know you have a degree... Even if you're only 16"

My lips curled up, "This lab is for the geniuses in the world. Besides, Evan got his degree in Engineering when he was 15, you in biological Science at the same age. We technically went to school because our parents wanted us to feel normal" I informed with a grin.

I received a degree as a Physicist and in Chemistry Maybe I should try Engineering. I have the speed to study it...

"Yeah... I know. I'll email the data on your powers and the link to Haven Lab's satellite"

I beamed in excitement, "Awesome!" I then stood up and pulled my jacket on, "I will see you later. Goodnight and uh...bye" I blurred out of the Cortex, running my Uncle's place.


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