Chapter 19: Not The Fastest

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(3rd Person Perspective)

The sun rose above the horizon, Kana an Evan walked into the cortex. Both of them stepped out of the elevator, ready for a day at work. "How was your night?" Evan wondered. "It was good. The apartment is a little lonely though" Kana answered. They started walking down the narrow making comfortable conversation. 

The peace was soon broken by the two scientists, stepping into the cortex. Their eyes werre instantly focused on form, lying on the ground. "Dylan!" Kana placed her latte down and ran to the fallen teenager. Her hands grabbe his jacket to feel the cold dampness in the clothing. He was rolled over, his ears were bleeding, bruising on his cheek and a spilt eyebrow that was close to healing. 

His nose was covered in dry blood, which had oozed onto the marble floor. "Dylan... Come on... Wake up" Kana desperately said. Her hand checked his pulse, there was a dull beat that indicated he was alive. 

"Thank god! Evan! Help me get him in a bed" The two scientists carefully pulled Dylan up, receiving a groan of pain as they walked him to the med bay. "Kana?... Evan?..." He muttered with his eyes still closed, too tired to open them. "We're here, man" Evan said with haste, but the Speedster was already unconscious again.

They placed him on the bed, Kana did a full check up on the teenager before her, she found his body to be brutalised. 

"What the hell happened to you?..."


(Dylan's POV)

The first thing that came to me was pain and the light throbbing in my head. I let out a tired groan as the light from the room around me filtered in. I attempted to sit up, but winced in pain, especially in the ribs. "Dylan?..." I turned to see Kana step into the Med Bay. She quickly walked over to me, checking my vitals. "Dylan, what happened to you? Who did this?" 

I sighed, "Remember that Speedster? He kicked my ass" I said with a defeated nod. "Why did you go after him? You said you were going to the Precinct"

"That's the funny thing..." She looked at me with a concerned frown. "He found me... He knew who I am" The room fell silent and the air grew tense. "What do you mean?" 

I huffed in frustration, "We raced, it was like some sick game. Like we've done this before. What really scares me is that he's faster than me and it's like he knows everything about me" There was silence once more, "Okay... So, quick recap. This Speedster knows who you are, is faster than you, and wants something from you" 

I nodded smoothly as a answer, Kana sighed, "You need to rest. No running today. Just relax" Quickly nodding, I laid back down on the bed. "You should heal in a few hours. I had to break your ribs and reset them" 

"Thank you..." I softly said as I let my fatigue take me...


The day was basically me resting and thinking about how I got my ass handed to me. But the words spoken between us, he said I was supposed to get faster. Is that what he's afraid of? I think I need to train my Speed more than I usually do. I'm talking about a major increase in the next weeks. 

Eventually, I was practically healed...

It was around 7pm and I had not been outside all day, Kana was very hell bent on benching me for the day. I would usually protest but she had to whip out her quirk and threaten me with one of Evan's tools. She's like an over protective mother sometimes...

"So, how are you feeling?" Evan wondered as he played pac-man on his computer. "I'm good. Just bored" He smiled, "Can you grab the Console from my workshop? We can play a few games" A grin found its way to my face as I flashed down the halls and flashed back with the console, cables and controllers in hand. "Y-You have the games downloaded, right?" 

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