Chapter 76: Risky Dealings

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Dylan Xander's POV

My phone buzzed every minutes for what it seemed, my attention was continuously drawn from my work as the device rattled along the desk.

It got to a point where I picked up the phone and answered, "Hello?..." I said with slight irritation, not knowing who was on the other end.

"Dylan, there's something I need to tell you" Dr Nagato's voice came from the phone and I relaxed. "Chris? What's up?" 

A heavy sigh escaped the older man's throat, "Have you seen the news?" In all honesty, I had turned it off within the third run on 'where had Pursuit had gone?'

"No... Just getting some work don't before I visit John in the hospital" I answered, shaking my head oblivious to him unable to see the action. My hand moved the mouse, clicking in a link, my eyes were quick to read the report. "Snart's back?"

"Not just that, he has a friend with the power to control the weather, everybody is calling him Weather Wizard" A frown adorned my face as I stared at the storm's report, "There's more"

I hummed for him to continue, "Ryan went after them and it didn't end well..."

"Is he alright?" I ended up leaning out of my chair, ready to take off.

"Yeah, nothing that won't heal but that's not the end of it" My exasperated expression replaced my uneasy gaze. Why is there always more?...

"Snart wanted to see you, he says he has some information you might want to know. He planted an address on Ryan before saving his life"

Leonardo Snart, always one step ahead...

"What do you want me to do about it?" It was harsh but I was standing by my retirement as Pursuit, at least for now. "Meet up with him with back up"

"What?!" I exclaimed, shooting up from my seat. "No, I'm not meeting him and nobody else is either!" I said, falling back into my chair. "Snart is one of the most dangerous people I've faced, tell Ryan to not go... Look, I'll train him but I won't put on that cowl" The stern words flowed out of my mouth, quiet enough for nobody that was eavesdropping to hear.

"I'm sorry Chris but-" I stopped myself, hand quivering as this subject was still uncomfortable to talk about. Still an open wound that had yet to clot.

"Please don't ask me to be Pursuit... Not after what I did..."

"You have to forgive yourself..." How could I? Everyone is afraid of me, Katsuki will never talk to me again and John...

I put my own Uncle in a Coma...

Chris sighed, I could imagine the pitiful expression he was shooting me with from across the distance.

He was disappointed but understanding.

"I'll tell you What... You help Ryan train against Meta-Humans, make sure he doesn't he hurt or worse in the field and I will never ask you wear that cowl. Deal?"

"Deal... Thank you, Chris" For Understanding why I can't do it...

He hung up the phone and I listened as the line went dead, sighing to ease my nerves I placed my phone to the side, not paying any attention to it as I got back to work.


Hours passed and the sun began setting, the storm had slightly lessened in intensity, enabling people to somewhat safely walk on the streets.

I quickly packed up, knowing that visiting hours in the hospital don't feel long once you arrive. Grabbing my phone last, I saw a text from Chris.

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