Chapter 87: Plan in Motion

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Dylan Xander's POV

When you're one of the Fastest Men Alive, there is always something to do. Most probably think we are able to get everything in our day done in a matter of minutes.

I know for a fact that isn't true... For the extra speed, there is always something else to do.

The winter morning was supposed to be simple, I had to wake up early to visit John in the hospital and I was off to sneak Katsuki out of U.A for a tour of the insane mess that I call a life.

Although, the extra speed brings more things to do... As for for those extra things...

I bolted down the street, clearing the road of snow from the sheer speed I ran at.

Left, right, straight, I weaved between the street to catch up to a small line up of police cruisers as they made chase with a black Ford Mustang.

To the ordinary people, they felt a gust of kinetic wind and witness a blazing trail of lightning that overtook my civilian clothes.

What?... I wasn't planning on "Superheroing" this morning...

Avoiding the oncoming traffic, I blitzed past the mobile sirens of the police to overtake the Mustang.

Taking a second that was lagged into ten, I swiftly observed the occupants. One driver, duh. Three passengers.

Feeling cheeky, I phased through the backseat, my hands grabbing the two in the back before flashing them into the back of a police cruiser.

Their hands cuffed and weapons discarded in the backseat.

Next was the passenger in the front and with expert accuracy, they were left on the sidewalk, cuffed to a lightpost.

The driver heard a Fwhoosh and a flash in his peripheral as I pulled my hood up and sighed. "You know, I may sound like a bit of a hypocrite saying this but, Speeding Kills"

The sudden vibrating voice was a shock for the driver who's gaze darted to my hooded position in the passenger seat.

Arms crossed, looking out the window with my expression shrouded by a vibration.

The horrific yelp caused the car to swerve to the side, my hand was quick to pull the car into a straight path, my hand leaving the wheel too quickly for a finger print to form.

"Whoa...Listen, I have somewhere to be and I really don't want to ruin this really nice car. So, I'm gonna ask you to slowly pull over or I'll show you how much damage speed can cause to your face" My innocent tone left a fearful glint in the driver's eyes.

They bulged as their hands gripped the wheel tighter.

With a small shift in their foot, the speedometer showed the car moving slower with every second.

"There we go, that wasn't so hard. I'll leave a note for the police and tell them how cooperative you were" My Speed kicked into gear as I cuffed their hands to the wheel and removed the keys from the ignition.

Disappearing in a flash, I made my way towards the hospital. My arrival wasn't exactly graceful as it was really cold and I hadn't eaten this morning.

Stumbling up the curb, I wandered into the building at a human pace. My hands stuff in my pockets to keep them from the chill in the air.

Ignoring the scent of chemicals, I passed the reception, already knowing where I was going.

Following the closest thing a brain could get to autopilot, I was soon standing outside my Uncle's room.

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