04. pre-afternoon

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the next day, ricky arrived to school with his backpack swung over his shoulder, heading towards his locker as he opened it up to take his books

"hey ricksters!" big red exclaims as he arrives with ej, carlos and gina.

ricky shook his head "nope."

"i didn't even ask anything!"

"i'm not doing your homework." ricky finishes, big red groaning in response

"okay, so are you ready for friday's game?" ej asks excitedly

ricky looks at him "you don't play basketball."

ej nods "i know that but i wanted to go to the game this weekend. all of us!"

carlos snorts a laugh "you don't know anything about basketball."

"yes i do!" ej exclaims

"no you don't." gina argues

ej rolls his eyes, leaning back against the lockers as they saw the rest of the group arrive.

"hello best friends!" seb beams

carlos links arms with his boyfriend as nini rolled her eyes when seeing the curly-haired boy grin at her - just for the sake to push her buttons.

"what are we talking about?" ashlyn asks, noticing the tension

"oh, ej's got a crush on one of the guy's or girl's from the basketball team or the cheerleading team and is asking about friday's game-"

"that it not whats happening!" ej groaned

"the game on friday? since when do we ever go to those?" seb asks confused before ricky looked at him and carlos nudged the blonde boy "uh-apart from cheering for our best friend!"

ricky nodded "thanks seb."

the group chuckled, meanwhile nini had her eyes on her phone before gina gasped

"are those the audition guidelines for after school that miss jenn sent?" she squealed, making her way towards the girl who had her emails open

nini nodded, ricky noticing how she tended up as she read the email.

"i'm so excited-wait do you have a song ready?" carlos asked the girls, who all nodded except for nini

"what's the matter roberts? getting cold feet?" ricky smirked "wouldn't be surprised."

nini glared at the boy and folded her arms "you wish bowen."

the bell rang all of a sudden and ricky simply kept a smirk on his face as he pushed himself off of the lockers and made his way down the hall with ej, big red and carlos, the rest of the group parting ways as ashlyn and nini made their way down the hall.

"what was that about?" the red-head asked

nini shrugged her shoulders "probably another one of his dumb ways to get to me."

"and it worked," ashlyn sang, nini rolling her eyes as the girl only chuckled before they entered their class.

at the end of the day, nini came out of her last class and heard her phone ring, seeing it as one of her mom's calling her.

"hey momma d," she answered as she out there phone to her ear and walked down the crowded hallway "yeah-no-mom. really? i can ask someone-" the girl sighed "fine. okay. but i'm not happy about it."

nini ended the call and groaned in annoyance as she made her way down towards the gymnasium.

she was definitely not looking forward to this afternoon.

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