10. different

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nini sat at the lunch table, reading her book on monday as she waited for her friends to come eat

"sup," ricky greeted as he sat down in front of her, his tray making a small bang as it hit the surface

"do you mind not throwing your food in my direction?" she sighs

ricky raised his eyebrows "hey! i thought we were cool now." he said "i mean, from what i could tell on friday-"

"we are okay to a certain point and remember that we're not telling anyone about the kiss." she whispered

"kisses," he corrected, earning a glare from nini

she took a deep breath "yes, richard. i know. but the point is, we'll be getting along, sure. but that doesn't mean habits aren't going to come up."

"that doesn't mean you can be a buzzkill," he smirks

"i'm not a buzzkill!"

"who's a buzzkill?" ashlyn asks as she sits down at the table along with everyone else

"who else?" ricky grinned

"here we go again," big red whispered cautiously

nini rolled her eyes playfully "i'm not a buzzkill, if anything he's the one who missed out on the huge after party and went home."

"sure roberts," ricky sighed, hiding the grin as he took a bite of his sandwich

everyone blinked a few times as they looked between the two in surprise

"wait-what just happened?" gina asked

"what?" ricky asks

"you just-let that go. that was a clear space for an insult that you could've thrown at her." carlos says

"we-chose to be...civil." nini explains, keeping her eyes on her book

"ricky and nini being civil." ej says out loud "yeah, that is a sentence made for another reality and not this one."

"is this a prank-?" seb asks

"how would they sit down and plan a prank together without one being six feet under ground in the end?" gina questions

"is it really that hard to believe?" ricky asks confused

"yes!" everyone answers in unison

"well, believe it." nini says with a shrug as she takes her bag "i have to go to the music room,"

"i still don't think this is real." big red says warily, nini shaking her head with a light smile as she made her way down the hall

she took a turn before hearing footsteps and turning around, seeing ricky walking towards her

she raised her eyebrows "what's up?"

"you forgot your book genius," he says, handing the small chapter book to her

nini took it and looked up at him "thank you..."

he nodded "so...we're not going to be awkward about this situation we're in right?"

nini shook her head "i'm not awkward about it. we know the rules right?"

"well, we didn't exactly have time to talk-"

he gets cut off by nini whacking his shoulder, making him chuckle while she just rolled her eyes playfully

"you're really annoying sometimes." she sighs

"sometimes changed from all the time. there's progress on your end." he smirks, leaning against the wall

nini sighs as she folds her arms "okay, we're going to meet up at my house to make a few rules about this stuff, my moms are coming back tonight so-" she noticed his smirk widen and she rolled her eyes "okay, slow your roll bowen. remember, you've only kissed me, so you can stop thinking you're the king of the world. plus, this is just for the rule stuff then you leave." she says quietly

ricky nods unconvinced as he takes a step closer "see you later," he grins before walking past her

nini sighs to herself, shaking her head as she turned back to see him turning to leave the hall.

nini sighs to herself, shaking her head as she turned back to see him turning to leave the hall

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