11. ground rules

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ricky arrived at nini's house after practice, knocking on her door as he waited for her to open

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ricky arrived at nini's house after practice, knocking on her door as he waited for her to open.

nini opened the door of her home and gave him a look "you're late."

ricky smirked "aw, missed me huh?"

nini rolled her eyes as she opened the door wider for him to walk through, the two making their way into the dining room where she was supposedly studying; her books laying open on the table.

"you want anything?" she asks as he sits down

ricky shakes his head "nope."

nini nods before she sits down and takes her notebook "okay, so first thing's first, we're keeping this between us. and that means you don't go yapping around about it to your friends on the basketball team-"

"woah, what about you and your theatre friends?" he asks

nini laughs "the theatre kids aren't idiots."

ricky rolls his eyes as she writes down the rule in her book before looking back up at him

"okay, so basic things are: no one can know, no feelings involved and this is for us to get along," she begins "what else?"

"well, what if-one of us begins to have...feelings for each other?" he asks "then what?"

nini raises her eyebrows "uh-"

"relax roberts, i'm not in love with you or anything," he tells her, making her sigh in slight relief "i'm just saying it could happen-"

"like i could fall for you?" she asks

ricky nods with a smirk and nini just laughs genuinely, soon fading as she looks at him

"oh-wait you're serious?"

the boy shakes his head with a light chuckle and nini rubs her hands over her face

"okay-uh-look, bowen-how do i put this lightly?" she mutters before looking straight at him "i'm never going to have feelings for you and i wouldn't fall for you even if you were the last guy on this earth."

"that's your idea of putting it lightly?" he asks with a chuckle

nini faked a pout "well, i'm sorry for breaking your poor little heart."

ricky puts his hand on his chest with a fake wounded face as nini shakes her head with a small smile

"okay, fine. so-we come up with some sort of...code word?" she suggests "and this is just for backup."

ricky nodded "okay, sure. how about...table?"

nini knits her eyebrows together and looks at him "table? really?"

"what's wrong with the word 'table'?" ricky asks

"well, say your kissing me and you just say 'table'-"

"why am i the one who would say it?"

"it's hypothetical bowen," nini sighs frustratedly

"okay roberts, 'hypothetically' why am i the one who says 'table'?" he asks

"why is anyone saying 'table'?!" she questions

"because that's the code word!" he exclaims

"no it's not!" she replies

"do you have something against tables?"

nini looks at him "really bowen?"

ricky shrugs his shoulders and nini rolls her eyes as she looks around them before spotting some old childhood pictures on a shelf further away, the two in silence for a few seconds before she speaks up

"...how about daffodils?" she suggests in a small voice, catching the boy's attention

he looks at her for a few seconds in slight surprise that she even remembered and opened his mouth "oh...uh-yeah, i guess that could work." he says nonchalantly

nini looks at him for a few seconds and clears her throat "yeah. okay. i'll-i'll write that down..."

ricky nodded as she wrote it down onto the notebook and she looked up at him

"that it?" he asks

nini nodded "yup, just sign this,"

"i have to sign it?" he asks

she gave him a look and ricky took a deep breath, shaking his head with a small grin as he took the pen and signed the piece of paper, handing it to nini so that she could sign too as she leaned over to do it

"alright, perfect." she said as she looked up and realized how close they were

ricky grinned "personal space much?" he whispered

nini raised her eyebrows and smirked "is that why you haven't moved?"

"you haven't either," he points out, his eyes moving to her mouth before back up to her eyes

her smirk widens as she pulls herself further back in her seat before ricky leaned forward and brought their lips together, nini gasping in surprise before she smiled and kissed him back

they pull apart for air and she kept her hand on his cheek for a few seconds before shaking her head with a breathy chuckle as they kept their foreheads against each other

"you can't ever take no for an answer can you?" she asks him, her eyes closed as she opens them back up to see the boy grinning

"thought you knew that about me already," he replied, nini humming before they connected their lips together once again.

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