28. truth or dare

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nini spent the entire night so far seated at her table while her friends came and go to check on her, but she'd always answer the same things: "i'll dance later," or "i'm fine."

she had watched kourtney and ashlyn, seb and carlos, ej and oliver, gina and big red all slow dance together and have fun while dancing and singing the songs that came on along with other east high students, but while she did that, her eyes would also wander to the curly-haired boy on the other side of the room, talking with some guys from the basketball team while lily took pictures.

nini looked away from her surroundings and fiddles with her fingers, wanting nothing more than for this night to come to an end before she felt someone sit down in front of her, knowing her friends were coming to check on her

"i said i'm fine," she sighed, looking up at oliver who had a raised eyebrow

"someone who doesn't dance at homecoming isn't usually fine," he points out.

she took a deep breath "i'll dance later-"

"yes, i know, you've been saying that for the past two hours." he nodded, leaning back against his chair

nini shook her head with a small smile "well, then, i'm just tired."

"tired of-?"

she looked to the side to see ricky making his way to the dance floor with lily before quickly returning her attention to the table, not wanting to see him dance with her.

oliver looked over to the dance floor and took a deep breath, standing up

"let's go," he said, holding his hand out

nini looked up at him in confusion "what?"

"what? you've never had a guy dance with you?" he asked

"wait-that was you asking?" she questioned puzzled

oliver rolled his eyes playfully and gestured to his hand, the girl sighing

"thought you were already preoccupied with a certain someone," she told him

a slight blush rose on the boy's cheeks and he shook his head "you need to have fun, so come on."

nini took a deep breath and took his hand, the two making their way towards the dance floor as she held her arms around his neck and he had his around her waist.

the both swayed to the music and nini could feel a pair of eyes on her, discreetly glancing over oliver's shoulder to see ricky looking in her direction while lily danced with him.

she took a deep breath and glanced away, continuing to dance with oliver until the song ended and she smiled at him

"thanks," she told him

oliver nodded with a smile before gina, ashlyn and kourtney arrived towards her, spending the rest of the homecoming night with her friends; the night ending with carlos winning prom king and lily winning prom queen.

the after-party was being held in one of the basketball player's house.

nini got changed into a black sort of pantsuit, wearing her hair in a high ponytail along with her friends who also all got changed into something more comfortable.

they all arrived at the house in ej's car, making their way inside to see people with drinks and dancing everywhere or talking and maybe eating each other's faces in different corners of the house.

nini made her way into the kitchen with gina to get a drink, it took them only a few seconds to get them before a random boy ran into the space

"a few of us are playing truth or dare! bring your drinks!" he exclaimed, running back out

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