08. off or normal

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the next day, nini arrived at school with her books in hand as she thought about auditioning for the play.

she didn't have anything to worry about...her first kiss was out of the way.

one thing she never thought would happen was having her first kiss with ricky bowen. the boy she's hated since she could walk.

when arriving at the notice boards, she caught a glimpse of miss jenn's audition sign up sheet for the play.

"hey girl!"

nini swiftly turned around to see kourtney and seb making their way towards her

"hey," she smiled

"so you're auditioning after all!" seb exclaims happily, nini rolling her eyes playfully

"i was thinking about it," she replied as the three start walking down the hall

"well, carlos said that the signup sheet is going down tomorrow so you better make your mind up quickly." kourtney told her

"no pressure then," nini muttered with a nervous laugh as they all arrived at ashlyn's locker, who was debating with ricky and big red about something.

"no-that's not what i was talking about," ashlyn sighs

"what? you asked us about what roll you would-"

"i meant a role in a play! not a food roll" ashlyn exclaimed with a chuckle

"what did we just walk in on?" seb asks puzzled


ricky laughed as he listened to ashlyn explain to the others of their conversation, his eyes moving to the brunette girl who was standing there and listening intently for a split second before he moved his gaze away from her.

nini thought she felt a pair of eyes on her so she looked over at ricky, seeing his smile on his face before clearing her throat and adjusting her backpack "guys i've gotta head to my locker before class, i'll see you later,"

the group all nodded, ricky leaning against the lockers as they all looked at him as if just realizing something.

ricky looked at them, raising his eyebrows "what?"

"um-are you sick or something?" big red asked

ricky knitted his eyebrows together "huh?"

"you just ignored any sort of way to insult or make fun of nini," seb explains

"yeah do we need to get you to a nurse?" kourtney asked

ricky rolled his eyes "i have to go,"

everyone chuckled as they watched ricky make his way down the hall.

he turned a corner and saw nini at her locker, putting her books away as he adjusted his bag before taking a deep breath and making his way towards her.

once nini closed her locker, she almost jumped when seeing the curly-haired boy standing there

"jesus christ, what the hell?!" she breathed


nini folded her arms and raised her eyebrows "hi?"

he swallowed "uh-so, you didn't-tell anyone about-yesterday. right?"

the girl shook her head "uh-that was part of the agreement remember? and for things to go back to normal?"

ricky rolled his eyes "i am being normal."

"talking to me like you're my friend at my locker when we don't have any of the others around us to force us to get along isn't normal." nini told him, closing her locker and adjusting her bag over her shoulder "just-be the rude annoying bowen i've known since pre-school please because this is weirding me out."

before ricky could reply, nini made her way past him and to her first class of the day

before ricky could reply, nini made her way past him and to her first class of the day

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stolen kiss || rini auWhere stories live. Discover now