23. jealousy jealousy

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nini sat at the lunch table, reading the script miss jenn gave out after posting the cast list a week ago.

she was happy to say that she got the role of sandy in this year's production and was glad to have something to focus her mind on.

"no, carlos, i am not going to add in extra votes to the ballot just so you can guarantee the prom king win," kourtney sighs as she sits down with her lunch tray

"i'm just saying! what if you voted a few extra times...?" carlos said innocently

"that's cheating." ashlyn laughs, sitting right next to kourtney

"it's not cheating it's just...diverting the school in the right direction!" carlos justifies as he takes a sip of his water

nini shook her head with a light smile as she continued to read through her script, not knowing how her friends caught sight of ricky talking to a few other cheerleaders in her view.

the girl looked up at her friends and knitted her eyebrows in confusion "what's wrong?"

"uhhh-hey neens! did you do your makeup today?!" gina exclaims with a smile, causing for the brunette to turn her head away from ricky's direction

nini looked at gina hesitantly "um...no?"

"wow!" seb beamed exaggeratedly, causing for her to look over at the boy in front of her


nini stopped talking when she caught sight of ricky with his bag strap swung over his shoulder as he laughed at something one of the many cheerleaders that were surrounding him said and rolled her eyes

"isn't that nice," she muttered as she looked back down at her script, flipping the page abruptly as she rested her elbow on the table with her chin leaning against her palm.

the group all exchanged cautious looks before ashlyn took a deep breath

"so...neens, we were thinking about a nice homecoming shopping spree this afternoon. us girls, you know?" ashlyn said awkwardly

nini glanced up and took a deep breath "um... i don't know if i'm going to homecoming."

"wait what?!" carlos exclaims "you have to!"

"it's homecoming!" ej breathed

"i'm aware," nini said with a fake dramatic voice to imitate her friends before sighing "i just don't really see the point in going."

"'don't see the point'?!" kourtney asked confused "its supposed to be the best day of your life!"

"isn't that a wedding-"

"not the point seb," kourtney says, the blonde going quiet with confusion

"i just-don't want to go if i'm not going to be all in," nini says simply as she stands up and takes her bag before making her way towards the exit of the cafeteria.

she passes ricky's table and stops in her tracks when seeing the group of cheerleaders and the boy blocking her way, making her become frustrated as she rolls her eyes.

"if you wouldn't mind flirting to try and get your tongue down their throats elsewhere i'd greatly appreciate it," she snapped, catching the group's attention

ricky felt his body stiffen at her sight but scoffed while the girls rolled their eyes and moved to the side just enough to let her through.

nini's eyes fell on the blonde girl who was seated right next to where ricky was standing, her heart dropping as she cleared her throat and adjusted the strap of her bag, making her way out of the cafeteria hall.

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