35. left

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ricky entered the kitchen, sighing loudly as he opened the fridge to find something to drink before turning to see them all laid out on the table.

"what is up with you?"

the boy jumped as he saw the boys entering the kitchen, his eyebrows knitting together when seeing oliver walk in too. he didn't like him too much.

"what?" he asked

"you awkwardly standing up and leaving the room in an abnormal fashion." carlos explains

"oh. that. i was just-in need of a drink." he said simply, taking a bottle as he poured himself a cup

ej folded his arms and knitted his eyebrows together "dude, what's up with you?"

"nothing!" ricky exclaimed, glancing at oliver before back at his friends

"i can leave." oliver said

ricky rolled his eyes while the others shook their heads

"will you stop being stubborn and just tell us what's up?" seb asks

"no!" ricky exclaims quietly, putting his cup down.

"so there is something!" big red whispered

"w-no! there isn't!"

"yes there is!" ej jumps excitedly "what is it? tell us."

ricky sighs as he paces back and forth in the kitchen, glancing at the brunette girl seated in the living room who was talking to the other girls

"it has to do with nini, doesn't it?" carlos asks intrigued


"oh god please tell us you didn't cheat on her again or kissed lily or some other crap again?" ej groans in frustration

"no! nothing like that!" ricky exclaimed "i swear-"

"then what is it?" seb asked

"it's-it's complicated okay? i can't talk about it." he sighed "just-leave it. please?"

the boys all looked at ricky skeptically before he took his two cups and made his way back into the living room

"never mind," nini's voice is heard as he entered the space

"here you go," he smiles as he hands her the cup, nini jumping slightly when seeing him before putting on a small smile and taking it from his hand

ricky sat back down next to her and nini looked at him, taking a deep breath

"so...do you-"

"let's play karaoke!" big red's voice comes through as he enters the living room

"yeah sure," ricky nods, turning away from the girl as he got up "ash where's the machine?"

"um-next to the storage closet in that hall," ashlyn replied, pointing to a doorway.

ricky nodded and quickly got up from the couch, nini opening her mouth in complete confusion before she scoffed and leaned back against the couch.

"is he okay?" kourtney asked, her eyes following the curly-haired boy

"no idea." seb sighed "he's acting like it's nothing."

"i don't get why he's being all weird, especially towards-" ej gets cut off by gina elbowing the side of his body and he groans in pain "ow!"

nini swallowed and put her cup down "i'm a little tired, i think i'm going to head home."


the girl stood up from the couch "seriously, it's cool."

she made her way towards the entrance of the house, seeing ricky appear in front of her with the karaoke machine


"i'm heading home." nini said shortly, passing by him and taking her jacket

ricky knitted his eyebrows together and turned around to face her "wait why? are you okay?"

nini adjusted her jacket as she fixed her hair and took her bag before turning around her "are you sure you mean that question?"

ricky opened his mouth "what are you-"

"i mean, you refuse to be alone, you never actually look me in the eye, we haven't spent actual time together, and if one plus one equals two, then you're about to break up with me, so why don't you just do it now?!" she exclaims, noticing a few people stop to stare at the two

ricky looked around them before back at her dumbfounded, leaving her to scoff and shake her head

"i'm going home," she told him, turning around to leave the house

stolen kiss || rini auWhere stories live. Discover now