14. swarms of thoughts and feelings

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nini sat in her class completely bored out of her mind. she tapped the back of her pencil against her notebook aimlessly. she didn't get the point of human geography one bit.

she sighed as she leaned back against her seat before hearing her phone buzz on the desk.

she picked it up discreetly to read the notification, a small smile forming on her lips as she put it back down and looked around her as she raised her hand

"yes nini?" the teacher asked, turning around from the whiteboard

"may i go to the bathroom?"

the teacher nodded, gesturing to the door as nini got out of her seat, making her way down the hall.

nini turned around the corner and arrived at the storage closet, looking around her before entering it.

"ricky?" she whispers, turning around in the dark space "richard?"

she suddenly felt someone slide their arms around her waist and turn her around before she felt a pair of lips on hers

nini gasped slightly as she kissed ricky back, placing her hand on his cheek until they both pulled away at the same time.

she let out a breath "okay, then."

ricky chuckled "you took a long time,"

"or maybe you just came early," she said simply

he shrugged his shoulders "i had a free,"

nini nodded in realization before speaking "so, you have practice this afternoon right?"

ricky nodded "yeah, there's a game on friday."

"it's the next big one isn't it?" she asked hesitantly

he nodded "yeah, there's also a cool party after - if we win,"

"you should go since you missed the first one," she smirked, ricky rolling his eyes playfully

"well, whose fault is that roberts?" he asked her

nini felt him lean closer as she closed her eyes before they both jumped at the sound of the bell ring

"lunch," she told him, laughing when he groaned towards the interruption "i'll go out first,"

he nodded as she let go of his hand and made her way out of the closet, seeing no one around yet as she quickly made her way towards the class to get her stuff and head back to the cafeteria

ricky waited a few minutes before walking out himself, slowly and casually closing the door behind him and turning around before jumping in fright when seeing kourtney and ashlyn

"what are you doing?" ashlyn asked confused

ricky opened his mouth and looked at the storage door before kourtney grinned

"ricky, when people come out of the closet it's not literal." she reminded him, ashlyn chuckling

ricky faked a laugh before sighing "i-needed extra paper."

ashlyn and kourtney knitted their eyebrows together

"and where is the paper?" the red-head asked

the boy stammered and cleared his throat "um-couldn't find any... you guys hungry? i'm going to go to the cafeteria. later,"

the two girls watched him rush off down the now-crowded hall in confusion, kourtney opening the closet door to see no one inside

"it was probably another cheerleader," ashlyn told her, kourtney nodding as they both walked towards the cafeteria.

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