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nini groaned in frustration as she turned her phone off and threw it on her bed before collapsing onto the mattress, running her hands over her face

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nini groaned in frustration as she turned her phone off and threw it on her bed before collapsing onto the mattress, running her hands over her face.

she heard a knock at her door and took a deep breath "yeah?"

carol opened the door, peeking her head in "i invited the bowen's for dinner,"

nini widened her eyes and sat up as quick as she could "what?"

the woman chuckled "i thought you both get along now? so there won't be any arguing will there?"

"but-i...have homework." she lied

carol raised her eyebrows "i thought you said you were finished with your homework so you could play a bit of your keyboard,"

nini opened her mouth "i-i'm not hungry?"

the woman nodded "nice try. dinner in thirty minutes so get ready,"

"but mom-!" nini gets cut off by the sound of her door closing and she sighed heavily, getting up from her bed as she made her way towards her closet to get ready...

dana opened the door to the bowen's with a smile, ricky wearing his orange hoodie with his hands buried in his pockets

"hi dana," mike smiles, walking inside along with ricky

"nice to see you, nini's upstairs ricky," dana explains

ricky nodded slowly, taking that as a sign that he should go up, so that's what he did.

he made his way towards her bedroom, knocking on the door

"i heard the doorbell, but one second mom!" nini exclaimed as she nervously looked for a sweater to put over her top

ricky opened the door and peeked his head in "not your mom,"

stolen kiss || rini auWhere stories live. Discover now