09. magnetic

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for the rest of the week, nini and ricky were back to their usual insults and glares that they would throw at each other at a usual rate.

they didn't admit it, but they enjoyed throwing these insults at each other. it was a sort of different feeling between them ever since the kiss - though they didn't admit it - they also liked it deep down and couldn't stop thinking about it.

it was now friday afternoon; ricky's basketball game was happening and nini was getting 'pestered' - as she would call it - by her friends to go with them to support him.

"i don't even like basketball-"

"girl you think we do?" carlos asks her as they all enter the gymnasium, crowded chatter filling their ears as they made their way towards the bleachers

"plus, if this were a play we'd all be front row," big red smirks

nini rolls her eyes "you're sounding like my mom-"

all of a sudden she bumps into someone and hears a gasp

"watch where you're going!"

she heard the familiar squeaky voice and rolled her eyes, folding her arms as she looked at lily

"of course it's you," lily sighed "are you so bad at coordination that you don't know how to walk in a straight line?"

"whatever lily," nini brushed off, tired to argue with the girl as she walked past her and made her way up the bleachers with her friends

"you good?" ashlyn asks

nini nods "i'm sick of arguing with her. i have enough of that with ricky."

"ricky?" seb asked confused "what happened to calling him bowen?"

nini shrugged her shoulders "he's not here for me to have to annoy him."

"since when did that matter?" gina chuckled

before nini could come up with an answer, the buzzer went off, signaling the beginning of the game as the basketball teams ran onto the court

nini watched ricky take dribble the ball across the court, everyone cheering around her as the team ran up and down the court for warm up.

something shifted inside nini when she noticed ricky smile at the cheer squad, seeing lily return the gesture before he had to go to his coach.

"hey, you good?" ej asked her, noticing a change in nini's composure

nini's gaze met ricky for a split second before she looked away and put a smile on

"yeah, of course."

ej nodded "okay, now help me pick out which guy looks the best when playing."

nini rolled her eyes playfully as she laughed, looking back at the court to try and distract herself from the uneasy feeling she had inside, and her questioning thoughts.

the game ended with east high winning by one point, everyone cheering and already talking about the celebratory party that was being thrown at a basketball team player's house.

"hey ricky! congrats!" ashlyn beams as the group meets up with him out in the hallway

"hey thanks," ricky smiles, looking over at the brunette girl who had her eyes on her phone

gina nudged her, nini groaning "ow!"

she was met with a few glares from her friends before sighing and looking at the boy

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